

Circular economy and shared value


Webuild designs and builds large complex works and infrastructure according to circular economy principles, creating shared value for the Group’s people, stakeholders, investors and local communities, the drivers of our daily actions, which contribute to safeguarding the environment and the socio-economic development of the territories where we work, while always respecting local cultures and diversities.

In our activities, we always stand by the following principles: integrity, fairness, reliability and sustainability. The results achieved, over the years, by our Group are tangible evidence of our commitment to excellence and sustainable development.

KPI di Sostenibilità: i principali numeri del nostro impegno

DNF 2023

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Social Cash Flow: we create shared value

In all the works carried out by our Group, in our company activities, in our relationships with our internal and external stakeholders we create shared value for our shareholders, investors, customers, employees, suppliers, institutions and for the communities of the territories where we work.

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Economic value generated 

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Economic value distribited

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Economic value retained

We invest in innovation

We invest in innovation

Our commitment to our stakeholders passes through innovation, one of Webuild’s founding values. We wish to innovate the industry’s standards, being more competitive as we design and build large infrastructure and complex works. Investing in innovation allows us to leave a sustainable footprint, which always considers environmental challenges, the safety of our people, of our stakeholders and of the communities of the territories where we work.

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Policies, performance and ESG Rating: Global leaders in sustainability

The effective implementation of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) best practices is confirmed by the assessments to which the Group is periodically subjected by investors, agencies specialized in non-financial ratings, customers and other stakeholders.

Find out more

World leaders in fight against climate change, for sustainable development

Etica e Trasparenza

I punti di riferimento del
nostro agire quotidiano

Transparency is one of the Group's main values

Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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