Ponte sullo Stretto di Messina

The Strait of Messina Bridge

The Bridge that joins Italy to Europe

28 maggio 2024 - ROMA (ITALPRESS)

Ponte sullo Stretto, Eurolink-Sdm “Progetto in regola, prosegue impegno”

Prosegue l’impegno per la realizzazione del progetto del Ponte sullo Stretto di Messina nel rispetto di tutte le procedure e autorizzazioni. Come noto, il Comitato Scientifico ha rilasciato all’unanimità parere favorevole e le raccomandazioni, che in parte riprendono quelle del precedente Comitato Scientifico, non sono prescrizioni e non sono in distonia con il parere positivo.

Come ricordano il consorzio Eurolink guidato da Webuild e la società Stretto di Messina, riguardano soltanto aspetti da approfondire, come da prassi, in sede di progettazione esecutiva, legati all’evoluzione delle conoscenze tecniche e dei materiali e all’evoluzione normativa in tutti gli ambiti di interesse. Il ponte è uno dei progetti più studiati al mondo con un patrimonio di dati formidabile e la ricerca continuerà fino all’apertura dei cantieri e durante tutta la fase realizzativa dell’opera.

Per quanto riguarda le 239 richieste di integrazioni e chiarimenti da parte del MASE, queste sono espresse secondo quanto previsto dalle procedure in corso e sono da confrontare con l’entità e la complessità dell’opera. La validità del progetto non viene messa in discussione, tantomeno l’elevatissimo livello scientifico e ingegneristico degli studi condotti. La Società Stretto di Messina ha da sempre investito sull’ambiente e anche in questa fase di ripresa del progetto sarà profuso ogni sforzo per ridurre al minimo gli impatti dell’opera e per garantire che la stessa sia occasione di valorizzazione dei territori. 

Approfondisci su Italpress

Engineer Explains How the World’s Longest Suspension Bridge Would Work | WSJ
How will the Strait of Messina Bridge be like? The 3D reconstruction of the original projects – Geopop / Webuild
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10 questions about the Bridge

What were the stages leading up to the final plans for the bridge?

In 1969, Italy’s ministry of public works made an international call for ideas on a crossing of the strait. A final solution took shape in 1992 and, 11 years later – in 2003 – a preliminary design was approved. In 2006, a public entity called the Società Stretto di Messina assigned the Eurolink Consortium, of which the Webuild Group is leader, the detailed design and the task of building the bridge. On December 20, 2010, Eurolink submitted plans for the project after a detailed study and analysis of the area. On July 29, 2011, Società Stretto di Messina approved them.

When can construction begin?

Ground could be broken immediately, meaning construction could start in the coming months. Once the detailed design has been approved, the bridge could be built in a mere six years.

What are the technical features of the bridge that would break records?

The project foresees the construction of the longest suspension bridge in the world at 3,660 metres, with a span of 3,300 metres. Its deck would be 61 metres wide, while the two towers on the shores would be 399 metres high. The suspension system would consist of two pairs of cables, each 1.26 metres in diametre, stretching for 5,320 metres between the anchor blocks. 

How many vehicles and trains would be able to cross the bridge

The bridge would have three vehicle lanes in each direction (two for regular traffic, a third for emergencies), and one for a rail. It would be able to support the crossing of six million vehicles and 60,000 trains a year, bringing Sicily’s five million residents closer to the rest of the continent. 

How much will the bridge cost?

The cost of building the bridge itself will be approximately €4.5 billion.

How much will the related works cost?

The cost of the bridge is equal to about 40 percent of the total for the infrastructure network that would accompany it. The remaining 60 percent would be related works such as the upgrading of the road and rail networks in Sicily and Calabria for a cost of circa €5.3 billion. So-called non-functional works related to the bridge like three rail stations in Messina, a central office in Calabria, and preparing the terrain to reduce hydrogeological risks would cost €1.1 billion.

How many jobs will be created for the construction of the bridge?

It would create 10,000 direct and indirect jobs already in the first year of construction. More than 100,000 people would potentially be employed, directly and indirectly, during the life of the project, with 300 businesses involved.

What will be the bridge’s economic impact?

The project is expected to boost the national economy by €2.9 billion a year, equal to 0.17 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP).

Will the bridge be earthquake resistent?

The bridge would have the highest structural integrity in the world, able to withstand a quake measuring 7.5 on the Richter Scale.

What will be the wind’s impact on the structure, as well as the traffic?

The deck’s aerodynamic stability, known as the Messina Type Deck, would resist winds of up to 300 kilometres per hour (corresponding to a return period of over 2,000 years). This type of deck has been studied and tested independently by the most authoritative research centres and international laboratories, using various physical models in wind tunnels (Italy, England, Canada, Germany and Denmark). The concept behind a “semi-transparent” aerodynamic deck, studied for Messina, has already been applied to the world’s longest bridges. The structure would allow vehicle traffic during winds of up to 158 kilometres per hour, while the tests that have been conducted would allow for trains passing at 120 kilometres per hour with winds blowing by up to 150 kilometres per hour, and at 60 kilometres per hour with winds at up to 190 kilometres per hour.

The Strait of Messina Bridge project

Ponte sullo Stretto di Messina, straordinaria opportunità di sviluppo infrastrutturale per il Paese

The numbers of the Strait of Messina Bridge

The numbers of the Bridge that connects Italy to the rest of Europe

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people could be hired in the project

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trains will transit on the Bridge every year 

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the peak number of vehicles that will transit on the Bridge every year 

Ponte Stretto Messina Webuild

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The Technical data of the Bridge

Engineering excellence: an extraordinary opportunity for Italy's development

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meters, the length of the Bridge's span, which will be the world's longest 

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meters, the height of the towers of the Strait of Messina Bridge 

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meters, the width of the Bridge's deck 


The Strait of Messina Bridge is a huge technological challenge. 3km of the Bridge will be suspended in the Strait, a magical place where it will be possible to meet the Magna Graecia. It is also the Italian challenge towards the rest of the world.

Pietro Salini, CEO Webuild
Ponti e Viadotti

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Relaunching infrastructural projects must begin from designing new works. But also, by activating projects that are already ready, like the Strait of Messina Bridge. In Sicily, Italy is planning 8 thousand km of railways. The Bridge would be the natural prosecution towards Calabria and the North of Italy.

Massimo Ferrari, General Manager Corporate and Finance Webuild

Strait of Messina Bridge

Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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