ESG Rating

We are periodically subject to assessment by investors, by the main agencies specialized in ESG ratings (Environmental, Social, Governance), evaluation and certification bodies, customers and other stakeholders.

Ratings are attributed at the end of an ESG policy and performance analysis and assessment process. They constitute a valid tool for the Group's stakeholders, offering summary, independent and comparable information on our performance and the level achieved by Webuild in non-financial areas, related to governance, ethics and integrity, to social and environmental issues

Webuild is a benchmark of excellence on the Italian scene in the construction sector. Constantly improving ESG ratings place the Group among the main players in the sector at an international level.

Below are the main ESG ratings received by the Group.


In 2024 Webuild has been awarded a “Gold” rating by EcoVadis, one of the world’s most respected sustainability rating systems.

EcoVadis has recognised the Group as one of the most sustainable companies on an international level thanks to its environmental, social, and governance practices, placing it among the most exemplary organisations worldwide. Achieving a score of 78/100, Webuild stands out as an ESG leader within the infrastructure sector, where the global average score is 60/100. 



In 2024 Webuild confirmed "A-"Rating,  already obtained in 2023 and 2022, in the annual CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) ranking, placing in the "leadership" range, above the European and sector average (equal to "B"). As part of this program, Webuild has also received a “B” rating in the Water Security section, which was assessed for the first time in 2024. 

Webuild has been included in the CDP ranking since 2014, providing disclosure on the global platform that measures the environmental performance of more than 24,800 companies worldwide. The Climate Change program is based on a survey requested every year by more than 740 investors representing assets worth 136 trillion dollars. 

A result that confirms the effectiveness of Webuild’s sustainability strategy and confirms the Group’s leadership in mitigating climate change risks.



MSCI - Morgan Stanley Capital International

In the last updated 2024 report, Webuild has confirmed its AA rating (Assessment MSCI ESG Ratings), which was obtained with the rating action in 2023, therefore placing itself among the leading sustainability companies and consolidating the positive trend that started in 2018. 

Driving the 2023 rating upgrade, which consolidates a positive trend that started in 2018, were essentially the Group's performance in Health & Safetygovernance and the Group's big focus on opportunities related to the use of clean technologies, with an increased commitment to the clean water and green buildings sectors.

Also praised the Group's commitment to ensure better health and safety conditions, highlighting the significant reduction in the Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR). In 2022, this was 41% lower than the 2017 baseline, exceeding the target set for the year.

*The use by Webuild of any MSCI ESG Reseach LLC or its affiliates (“MSCI”) data, and the use of msci logos, trademarks, service marks or index names herein, do not constitute a sponsorship, endorsement, recommendation, or promotion of webuild by MSCI. MSCI services and data are the property of MSCI or its information providers, and are provided "as-is" and without warranty. msci names and logos are trademarks or service marks of MSCI.



In 2024, Webuild S.p.A. kept a B- for its ISS ESG Rating. The growing trend therefore was confirmed, allowing the attainment of the “Prime” status with the other leading companies of the sector.

The Group has been included in the ISS ESG ranking since 2017. The ISS ESG Rating allows investors and stakeholders to assess the long term sustainable growth path, providing data, analyses and in-depth reporting on a panel of some 39 thousand organizations, among funds, companies and issuers.



Moody’s ESG Solutions

In 2024, the Company confirms its positioning among the best in the Heavy Construction Sector. Since 2016, its is part of Moody’s ESG Solutions, the European leading rating agency for assessing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). 

The Group, in the updated July 2024 rating, confirms an assessment well above the average of the sector for each of the ESG Pillars (i.e. ESG Overall Score Webuild 66 vs ESG Overall Score media).


We want to play a role in developing sound societies and economies, by continuing to guide our sector and contributing to a better world

ESG Rating
Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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