Certifications and Audits
We decided to certify our systems according to the most evolved international standards, which clearly shows our commitment to achieve real targets of excellence and continous improvement.
In addition to the certifications and assessments of its quality, health and safety, environmental, anti-corruption and risk management systems, the Company's Project Management activities also comply with the principles of the international standard ISO 21500. As regards CSR, Webuild also operates in compliance with the OSCE Guidelines for multinational enterprises and with the principles of the ISO 26000 standard on “Social Responsibility”.
Il nostro impegno per le infrastrutture sostenibili è testimoniato dai numerosi riconoscimenti e certificazioni ricevuti dai nostri progetti
Certifications obtained by the Group's projects
Our commitment for sustainable infrastructure is clearly shown by the numerous recognitions and certifications awarded to us for our projects. Below is a summary of the most recent awards:
- The was awarded the A* certification of the Global Sustainability Assessment System (GSAS) for excellence and attention to topics of environmental sustainability during its construction phase.
- The project in Australia was awarded the certification "Leading As Built” for Infrastructure Sustainability (the highest possible on a scale of 3 ratings) by the Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia (ISCA).
- The in Greece was awarded the LEED Platinum certification by the USGBC - U.S. Green Building Council.
- The project in Italy obtained ISO 14001 certification for its environmental management system.
- is certified according to the standards AS-NZS 4801-2001, AS-NZS ISO 9001-2008, AS-NZS ISO 14001-2004, OHSAS 18001-2007 for its quality, workers' health and safety and environmental management systems.
Further projects follow sustainability standards, for which they will be certified during or on completion of the operations. The main projects are:
- in Qatar, which uses the GSAS system (Global Sustainability Assessment System);
- Two stations of the project for in Saudi Arabia, which uses the LEED scheme (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design);
- in Italy, which uses the LEED scheme (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design);
- in Dubai, which uses the standard Green Buildings Regulations and Specification;
- in Perth, Australia, which uses the IS system (Infrastructure Sustainability).
Organizzazione e Politiche Aziendali
Adottiamo un modello di gestione e organizzazione aziendale basato su un sistema di principi (Codice Etico, Politiche) e di strumenti di gestione e controllo (risk management, procedure, controlli) finalizzati al presidio dei temi rilevanti di natura non finanziaria, in linea con le normative applicabili nei diversi paesi in cui operiamo, nonché con i principali standard e linee guida internazionali.