Ethical organization and sustainable conduct

Uno dei pilastri del nostro agire quotidiano

Webuild Etica, compliance e integrità

We work according to a well defined model of social and ethical responsibility

We adopt a corporate management and organization model based on a system of principles and management and control instruments  aimed at safeguarding key sustainability matters, in line with applicable regulations that exist in the different countries where we work, and also with the main international standards and guidelines.

Our governance system, inspired by the principles of integrity and transparency, represents an essential tool for guaranteeing the Group's efficient management and concomitantly is an effective means of controlling corporate activities, in line with the objectives of creating value for our shareholders and protecting our stakeholders' interests..

One of the pillars of our daily behaviour focuses on being aware of our ethical and social responsibility. Therefore we aim at ensuring the safeguard of valuing of both people and the environment, and the social and economic development of the places where we work.

Webuild pursues it continues improvement of its ESG performance levels, by adopting processes that focus on sustainable development principles.


Our Responsibility Framework

We meet global challenges

We are signatories of the United Nations Global Compact, and we operate in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals 

Discover our solutions to global challenges

Corporate principles and policies

We integrated a system of corporate principles and policies based on the main ESG themes, into our business

Know more about our Corporate Policies

Management and control

We have management and control systems certified according to the highest international standards

Read the Internal Control and Risk Management System 

Webuild Codice Etico

Webuild's Code of Ethics

Our Code of Ethics is our guarantee and reliability tool

Our Code of Ethics develops through a path that is born from the Group's Identity Pillars and addressing how Webuild engages with its collaborators, partners and stakeholders. Our Code of Ethics states the constructive behaviours to adopt, while drawing out a leadership model to follow.

Discover more
Webuild's sustainability strategy

Webuild's sustainability strategy

Webuild's sustainability strategy is fully integrated in our business model and inside the Group's overall strategy. The two pillars of this strategy are contributing to global challenges and the Group's constant commitment to an ethical and responsible conduct.

Discover more about our Sustainability strategy
ESG Plan

ESG Plan

We defined an ESG plan period that focuses on three strategic areas: Green, Safety & Inclusion, Innovation. Three priority areas, "sustainability construction sites" in which we have been investing resources that have allowed us to reach significant results in the territories where we work.

Discover 2021-2023 ESG Plan

Ethical organization and sustainable conduct

Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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