Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics helps us to understand the ethical principles that guide our work

Our Code of Ethics is our guarantee and reliability tool
Webuild works to ensure that all employees and all its sub-contractors, suppliers, consultants and intermediary figures working for the Group, have at their disposal tools and the required resources to keep the highest compliance and ethical standards.
Our Code of Ethics develops through a path that is born from the Group's Identity Pillars and addressing how Webuild engages with its collaborators, partners and stakeholders. Our Code of Ethics states the constructive behaviours to adopt, while drawing out a leadership model to follow.
Code of Ethics guides our daily conduct, summarizing the Group's commitments in conducting its corporate policy. It therefore, represents an essential point of reference for those working with an interest in pursuing our corporate mission, while participating achieving our objectives.
The Code of Ethics, developed with the contribution of Webuild's employees, is a resource where one can gain the information regarding our company's values and on how we can put these values into practice every day: it is a guide for all those working with and on behalf of Webuild, providing everyone with the right questions one must ask, the people to ask for guidance and the path to reach decisions that are aligned with the Group's values.
Moreover, it it provides indications on our whistleblowing system to use in case we notice any non-compliant situations with respect to what is set in the Code of Ethics.
The Code of Ethics is a tool that Webuild shares among its stakeholders, asking that everyone knows its content and abides by what has been set. All contracts set with Webuild's partners include specific clauses of acceptance of the principles set in the Code of Ethics, just like in the Supplier Code of Conduct.
Read Webuild's Code of Ethics
Sustainability Reporting
Transparency is one of
the Group's main values
Webuild Suppliers' Code of Conduct
The principles expressed in our Code of Ethics and the Group's Corporate Policies are stated once again and given in-depth detail in our Suppliers' Code of Conduct. This tool wishes to extend the Group's responsible and sustainable management of its supplier chain.