Anti Corruption System and Whistleblowing
Our responsible conduct focuses on "zero tollerance"

Anti-Corruption Policy
We adopt a zero tollerance way of seeing things towards any type of corruption. We demand honesty and integrity from all our employees and stakeholders. We are daily committed to adopting behaviours that aim at minimizing the risk of corruption, promoting conducts in line with international best practices.
These principles are established by the Webuild Code of Ethics and stated again in the Group's Anti-Corruption Model, which is the summary of a management system aimed at preventing corruption phenomena.
Prevention and monitoring systems
Webuild's prevention and monitoring systems in line with the most stringent international standards
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Zero tolerance
for corruption
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Anti-corruption system
ISO 37001 certified
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Continuous training
on anti-corruption
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a dedicated platform
Our Anti-Corruption system
In accordance with the terms defined by the Code of Ethics and in observance of the 10th principle of the Global Compact, according to which "businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery", the fight against corruption in Webuild led to the Anti-corruption Compliance System, certified as UNI ISO 37001: 2016 (Anti-Bribery Management System) compliant and consisting of an Anticorruption Model;
Guidelines and company procedures, in order to define roles and responsibilities of the subjects involved and operating methods for control processes referred to in the Anticorruption Model.
Anti-corruption Model
The Anti-Corruption Model is the key element of the Anti-Corruption System. More generally, of the corporate Internal Control System aimed at strengthening Webuild's processes and at excluding active and passive corruption conduct. The review and monitoring activity of the System to ensure that the latter is always aligned to the evolving regulations and organization of Webuiild.
Moreover, the Compliance Department ensures assistance and consultancy with regard to anti-corruption matters, so that all stakeholders can apply the dispositions set by the Anti-Corruption Model. Spreading the anti-corruption rules also goes through an adequate knowledge and understanding of the Model's contents. Webuild, therefore, defined compulsory training programmes for all employees, which have been modulated according to the role and responsibilities of these in preventing corruption phenomena.
The zero tollerance policy is put into action through sanctions, connected to the lack of respect of the Anti-Corruption Model and are aimed at all those who work with and for Webuild. The violations of the Model can be reported through the whistleblowing channel, even anonymously, safeguarding therefore the whistleblower against any for of retortion or discrimination, therefore encouraging a culture of transparency where every person can contribute to the Group's ethical conduct.
Training and information
The application of the Anticorruption Model is the direct responsibility of Webuild directors, statutory auditors, managers and employees, and all those who, both directly and indirectly, permanently or temporarily, establish relations, each within his/her relevant functional area and responsibilities (the “Recipients”). All recipients are required, therefore, to comply, with the utmost care and attention, with all the principles and provisions set forth therein. Webuild, to spread appropriate knowledge and understanding of the Model, has defined:
- a binding anti-corruption training program for Recipients, modulated according to the qualifications of the Recipients and the different levels of involvement in sensitive activities
- specific contractual “compliance” clauses, which include, among others, the obligation to comply with the principles set by Webuild's Code of Ethics and its Anticorruption Model
To fight corruption, Webuild adopts a whistleblowing system based on an external web portal. It allows employees to anonymously communicate potential violations, guaranteeing protection from all forms of retaliation, discrimination or penalization, in compliance with international best practices. In compliance with Anti-Corruption Model, pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001, alternative reporting channels are also available, via e-mail or ordinary letter mail;
Anyone can contact Webuild: employees, suppliers, consultants or, more generally, stakeholders of the Group. Webuiild, through its Compliance Department, ensures analysing all reports received and collecting the objective elements aimed at adopting measures that correct the detected violations. The whistleblower will always be informed on the results of the investigations with regard to what was reported.
The results of the analyses are also the subject of information towards governance bodies and corporate governance bodies, including, due to its area of responsibility, the Integrity Board.
For information: