Employer Branding Events and Initiatives

We believe that Employer Branding initiatives are a channel for direct dialogue and a strategic tool for attracting the new talents and professionals, who will constitute the real value of our Group tomorrow.

Our Employer Branding initiatives, mainly staged in universities, support the Group's international market positioning strategy, having participated in over 220 events in the last 4 years.

We work closely with an excellent, continuously expanding network of universities, with the aim of not only attracting and selecting talented junior profiles, but also of providing professional guidance and tutoring on career paths in the sector of major, infrastructural works.

The Group's international Employer Branding plan was enriched, in 2020, thanks to a collaboration agreement with the Melbourne School of Engineering at the University of Melbourne. And in 2018, with the partnership created with the Technology University of Sydney, in Australia. These collaborations allow Webuild to participate in major university events, university recruitment and training initiatives, and to organize dedicated selection and career guidance campaigns with two of the best Australian universities, by academic reputation.

Another important international event in 2019 was our participation in the prestigious Career Forum in Paris, organised by the École Spéciale des Travaux Publics (ESTP), an event for meeting and recruiting candidates involving five thousand engineering students. The School, also known as “École Des Grand Projets”, is one of the most important French engineering schools.

Our Employer Branding Events

We believe in newly formed talents, and plan for the future by investing in their present. Discover all the events we participate in, both in Italy and abroad, and learn about Webuild and the Group's career opportunities.

Violenza sulle donne

Ingenio al Femminile

stories of women who leave a mark

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What’s the best thing that a company can do today? Invest in the future, nurture the next generation, invest in universities and, most of all, do it together. This is the new model to adopt to contribute to making Italy ever more competitive in the world.

Pietro SaliniCEO Webuild

Webuild Next-Gen: we believe in young talents

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Webuild Talents around the world
Webuild Next Generation - Programmes and Initiatives for young people
Young Talents in Webuild
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Employer Branding Events and Initiatives
Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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