Our commitment
Sustainability at the centre of our business

As a Group we commit, every day, to building infrastructure which improves people’s life quality, drive the territorial development, respecting the heritage and natural resources, human dignity and freedom, while contributing to the economic and social wellbeing of the communities in which we operate, by creating new jobs, training and development.
Our daily activity is based on the highest ethical and integrity principles. We also confirmed our commitment to sustainable development by subscribing to the United Nations Global Compact, the largest global sustainability initiative for companies committed to aligning their strategies and operations with ten universally-recognised principles on human rights, labour practices, the environment and anti-corruption.
Results achieved and future objectives
The greatest challenge we face every day is to create shared value for all our stakeholders, by encouraging the pursuit of excellence for our customers, the satisfaction of our investors, care for the communities in which we live and work, the development and integrity of our staff and the protection of the environment.
global challenges
Our contribute to global challenges