Atakoy Wastewater treatment plant
The Ataköy water treatment plant is located in the south-western part of Istanbul city, near to Atatürk International Airport.
The scope of work included the revamping of the existing plant that came in service in 2010 and the construction of a new WWTP having capacity 240,000 m3/d plus an MBR section sized for 20,000 m3/d. Total area of the plant is 300,000 m2.
The contract was a turn-key EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) type, and it included civil works.
Contractor: Fisia Italimpianti (Unit of the Webuild Group)
Technical data
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m3/d Preliminary Treatment Units
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m3/d Biological Stage
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m3/d MBR Plant Capacity
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m2 total area
Sustainability KPIs
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m3/d wastewater treated with biological stage
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m3/d water reuse section
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people served by the plant