Trans-Cameroon Railway


Project's overview



It runs across the whole country with 62,000 tonnes of rails and 42 stations and links the regions on the Atlantic Coast with those further inland so that Cameroon can communicate with all its neighbouring countries. Three quarters of the line runs through equatorial forest, while the remainder crosses savanna.

The railway has connected areas that were previously isolated, the interior and the Atlantic coast, the agricultural areas and those that have undergone industrial development, Cameroon and Chad, the Central African Republic, Congo, Gabon, Nigeria and Equatorial Guinea.

Various difficulties had to be overcome in order to build it: amount of funding to be obtained, complex logistics, need to work in areas covered by equatorial forest, swamps or savanna crossed by several waterways.


Trans-Cameroon Railway - Cameroon (1987)

Technical data

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Rails ton 

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Bridges in concrete

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Bridges in steel

Trans-Cameroon Railway
Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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