Grand Paris Express Line 16, Lot 2
Part of the biggest sustainable mobility project in Europe

The works for the construction of Line 16 (Lot 2) of the Grand Paris Express , started in January 2019. With this project, Webuild's contribution to the Grand Paris Express, the largest sustainable mobility initiative in Europe, is strengthened. The line 16, when completed, will serve numerous municipalities in the areas north and east of the greater Grand Paris metropolitan area.
The planned works included the excavation of 11.1 km of tunnels with 2 TBMs and the construction of four stations (Aulnay, Sevran-Beaudottes, Sevran-Livry and Clichy-Montfermeil), as well as 11 auxiliary works.
Webuild construction sites are distinguished by their exceptional capacity for technical innovation and social inclusion. As such, the team working on Lot 2 includes 55 women: a higher number than for other lots of the Grand Paris Express. Fibre-reinforced concrete segments were used to line the tunnel, marking an innovation that effectively halved the amount of steel used in the project.
The whole line will serve the Seine[1]Saint-Denis department, for a total of 16 communes, with an estimated capacity of 200,000 passengers a day, helping to alleviate road traffic and preventing the emission of 52,000 tonnes of CO2 each year.
At least 20% of the total value of the contract was assigned to local subcontractors and, in addition to the training that have been provided to local workers and managers, particular attention have been paid to the issue of the inclusion of disadvantaged categories, for a minimum of 5% of the total of hours worked for the lot.

Sustainability KPIs
Estimated data pertaining to Line 16 as a whole
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tons/year of CO2 emissions
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trips by car per day
+ + +
passengers per day
Grand Paris Express Linea 16 - TBM “Mireille” - Breakthrough TBM 8 at Clichy Montfermeil Station

Technical data
+ + +
m3 of TBM excavation
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m3 of traditional excavations
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Kg of steel ribs used to line the tunnels
Chantier Leveederoue Florent Peper LaClik, Linea 16, Grand Paris Express, Francia| Webuild