Brenner Base Tunnel - Lot H41 Gola del Sill-Pfons

Lot H41 concerns prolongation of the railway from Gola del Sill near the city of Innsbruck to the town of Pfons located further south. The traditional method will be used to excavate and line the walls of the two parallel tunnels for approximately 7.3 kilometres, including auxiliary tunnels. The mechanised method will be used for another 16.5 kilometres. Also included is the lining of the walls of tunnels already completed including an underground emergency stop at Innsbruck, access tunnels, pilot tunnels and parts of other secondary tunnels. The mechanised method will deploy two tunnel-boring machines (TBMs), among the most sophisticated in the sector, with a diametre of more than 10 metres.
The design of the project foresees measures to protect the surrounding environment, such as the logistics of the work sites to reduce travel times for the transport of materials, and measures to reduce dust and noise. The contract will employ 400 workers directly at the peak period of construction.