Koysha Hydroelectric Project

The new Koysha hydroelectric project, located in the southwest of the country, will be the fourth of a cascade of dams along the Omo River, after Gilgel Gibe I, Gilgel Gibe II and the Gibe III hydroelectric project.
The Koysha plant will have an installed capacity of 2,200 MW for an annual production of 6,460 GWh.
The project, commissioned by the Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP), includes: an RCC gravity dam, 170m high with a crest length of 1000 m with a 9 billion cubic metre capacity reservoir within the dam body leading to an outdoor power station housing 8 x 270 MW Francis Turbines, concrete spillway on the left side of the valley and two culverts to divert the river flow during the construction of the dam on the right side. Other permanent works include: a bridge over the Omo River and camps including facilities for the client. The project also includes the access roads, a new bridge over the river and a 400 KW transmission line from Koysha to Gibe III.
This important new project, together with GIBE III and GERD (the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam) on the Blue Nile, will enable Ethiopia to become Africa’s leader in terms of energy production.
Client: Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP)