Parc du Simplon, Lausanne

In 2018 Webuild and its Swiss subsidiary CSC Impresa Costruzioni SA have been selected to develop a commercial and residential district in Lausanne, Switzerland, at a value of more than 100 million Swiss francs (about €90 million).
The project involved the design and construction of 10 buildings and surrounding public spaces for a new district called Parc du Simplon.
Adjacent to the Renens train station in western Lausanne, the project included two office buildings occupied also by the FFS’s regional branch office, and eight residential buildings with a combined total of 200 apartments.
Contractor: CSC Impresa Costruzioni SA – Gruppo Webuild

Technical data
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m3, Volume of buildings
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Parking spaces
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m2, Total area
Parc du Simplon, Lausanne, Switzerland