I-275 / I-4 Downtown Tampa Interchange (DTI)
Project's overview
Roads and Highways
In progress

The I-275 / I-4 Downtown Interchange (I-275 DTI) in Tampa was originally designed in the early 1960s to accommodate 60,000 vehicles per day. Today’s traffic is nearly 200,000 each day, making urgent the need for substantial reconstruction to deliver overall operational and safety improvements.
The project will enhance driver safety by constructing higher volume ramps, improved roadway geometry, dedicated local exit ramps, and updated signage. It will also add noise barriers. Once completed, roadway safety and travel times will improve, as will the interchange’s role as a main hurricane evacuation route for the greater Tampa Bay region.
Contractor: Lane (Webuild Group)
I-275 / I-4 Downtown Tampa Interchange (DTI)
Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina