
Webuild’s main Governance documentation

Governance Webuild

Transactions with Related Parties

The purpose of the procedure is to define rules, modalities and principles aimed at ensuring the transparency and substantive and procedural fairness of Related Party Transactions executed by Webuild S.p.A., directly or through subsidiaries.

The primary intent of this procedure is to strengthen the protection of minority shareholders and other stakeholders, preventing any abuses that could arise from transactions executed between related parties, ensuring the substantive and procedural fairness of the transactions in question.

For the purpose of performing the tasks and functions set forth in the Regulation, the Board of Directors established an internal Committee for Related Party Transactions comprised of three independent Directors.

Internal Dealing Code of Conduct

The Code is aimed at regulating disclosure obligations with which "Relevant Persons" and their "Close Associates" must comply with respect to the Issuer for "Relevant Transactions" pertaining to "Shares" or negotiable instruments of Webuild, or again derivatives or other financial tools linked to them, as well as at regulating any obligations of Relevant Persons and Webuild towards Consob and the Market linked to the aforementioned Relevant Transactions.

Procedure for Managing Inside and Relevant Information and their relative Registers

The procedure aims at regulating the process for identifying, assessing, managing and treating Inside Information, as defined within regulations, and Relevant ones, concerning Webuild, and the methods for keeping Registers concerning those who have access.

Policy for managing a dialogue with general Investors

This Policy was adopted by Webuild to describe the general principles, management methods, and main contents of the dialogue between Webuild's general institutional and retail investors, including potential ones, on the one hand, and the Company itself, on the other hand. 

Regulations for Shareholders' Meetings

The rules governing the Shareholders’ Meeting of Webuild, prepared in accordance with the guidelines recommended by Assonime (the Association of Italian Corporate Entities), are aimed at ensuring the orderly functioning of the Meeting, while guaranteeing the fundamental right of each shareholder to ask questions about the issues being discussed, express his or her opinion and submit motions.

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Last update: December 22, 2023