May 05, 2022

Webuild: U.S. subsidiary Lane wins $357 mln (€340 mln) Florida contract


Group’s North America order book rises to €3.1 bln in North America, a market with great potential


  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers hire Lane to upgrade Tyndall Air Force Base in Panama City, Florida
  • Work to increase base’s resistance to heavy storms
  • Group continues to expand in U.S. market, where large infrastructure investments are planned


Tyndall Air Force Base - Webuild

photo courtesy by


MILAN, May 5, 2022 – Engineering and resilience. Those are the two key words behind the $357-million (€340 million) contract won by Lane, the U.S. subsidiary of the Webuild Group, to help upgrade the Tyndall Air Force Base (AFB) in Panama City, Florida.

The Tyndall AFB is being redeveloped after it was severely damaged by Hurricane Michael in 2018. Lane will be part of the effort to make the base more resist to heavy storms.

This latest contract brings to €3.1 billion the combined value of Webuild’s order book in North America, a core market that generated 21% of the Group’s revenues in 2021. It is a market where the Group aims to expand, especially in the United States where large infrastructure investments are planned. The contract also reflects the importance of Florida as a market for Lane and Webuild

Commissioned by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the package, known as the Two-Phase Design and Construction Site Development and Utilities Phase I and II, is 100% owned by Lane, and consists of roadways, fencing, lighting, parking, water, wastewater, electrical, storm water, communications, fire protection infrastructure and other related works. Lane is expected to start work in the summer of 2022 and conclude mid-year 2026. 

Lane has a long history of building infrastructure in the country, where it is present in more than 20 states, specialising in sustainable mobility (highways, bridges, tunnels, airports). It has worked on a number of U.S. military bases, including Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. Among the projects ongoing in US, it worth noting the Unionport Bridge in New York.


Webuild: U.S. subsidiary Lane wins $357 mln (€340 mln) Florida contract

Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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