April 03, 2023
Webuild s.p.a. 2021-2030 warrant
Communication pursuant to art. 3.7(a) of the Antidilutive Warrant Webuild S.p.A. 2021-2030 Regulation
MILAN, April 3, 2023 – With reference to the Webuild S.p.A. 2021-2030 Warrants (the "Warrants"), Webuild announces that in the period from March 1 to 31, 2023 no "Subsequent Issues" were carried out, in addition to the ones already communicated on 1° June 2022, as defined by the Warrant Regulation (the "Regulation"), available on the website , in the section "Shareholders and Share Capital / Warrants - Documents and Communications".
On this occasion, it is recalled that, as reported in the FAQ section (published at the following ), question 6, in order to allow the Company to be able to issue and allocate the related Exchange Shares in good time for participation in the next Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of the Company on 27 April 2023, the exercise notice of the Antidilutive Warrants, within the terms referred to in the aforementioned press release 1° June 2022, must absolutely be at least 3 open market days prior to the related record date (Tuesday, April 18, 2023) and therefore by Thursday, April 13, 2023. The Company is not liable for missed issues and allocation, in consequence of failure to comply with the deadline indicated above.