March 25, 2022

Webuild: Italian President Sergio Mattarella inaugurates “Superbarocco. Arte a Genova da Rubens a Magnasco” exhibition at Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome


ROME, March 25, 2022 – Italian President Sergio Mattarella inaugurated in Rome this morning  “Superbarocco. Arte a Genova da Rubens a Magnasco” (“Super Baroque. Art in Genoa from Rubens to Magnasco”), an exhibition celebrating Genovese art during the Baroque period organised by the Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome and the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., with special collaboration from the municipalities and museums of Genoa and the participation of Webuild. The inauguration was held at the Scuderie del Quirinale in the presence, among others, of Italian Culture Minister Dario Franceschini, Liguria Region President Giovanni Toti, Genoa Mayor Marco Bucci, Webuild Chief Executive Officer Pietro Salini and the exhibit’s curators, Jonathan Bober, Piero Boccardo and Franco Boggero.

On the margins of the press conference, Webuild’s CEO Salini said: “The Baroque period was a historic moment during which geniuses of art and architecture had the audacity to experiment and innovate, creating priceless masterpieces and changing in a positive way the character and destiny of the city. Webuild supports the “Superbarocco” project because we believe in its positive message – a message that resonates to this day. The exhibition that we inaugurate today in Rome, like the one in Genoa, reminds us of the strength of Italy’s creative genius. Even if the period was four centuries ago, it can still be a source of inspiration for anyone who is involved in working towards the challenging goals set by the PNRR (Italy’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan) to create a more modern and sustainable Italy despite these difficult times. With the “Superbarocco” project, Webuild wants to reiterate its closeness to the Liguria region where it is building the Terzo Valico dei Giovi-Genoa Hub Single Project, the high-speed/high-capacity railway between Genoa and Milan.” 

Running from March 26 to July 3, 2022, the exhibition which covers various halls on two floors, offers a rich testimony of the period of greatest artistic splendour for Genoa. It proposes dozens of works of art from the greatest museums of the world and from private collections. Among the masterpieces on loan from Genoa’s main galleries are the “Giovan Carlo Doria” by Pieter Paul Rubens and “La Cuoca” by Bernardo Strozzi and “Anton Giulio Brignole-Sale” by Antoon van Dyck. From the J. Paul Getty Museum of Los Angeles, there is “Agostino Pallavicino in veste ambasciatore al pontefice” by Antoon van Dyck. Valuable contributions from private collections include “Sacrificio a Pan” by Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione, known as “il Grechetto”, or “Matrimonio mistico di santa Caterina d’Alessandria” by Stefano Magnasco.  

A “twin” exhibition will be held in Genoa, “Superbarocco. La Forma della Meraviglia. Capolavori a Genova tra il 1600 e il 1750” (“Super Baroque. The Shape of Wonder. Masterpieces from Genoa between 1600 and 1750”) at the Appartamento del Doge of the Palazzo Ducale from March 27 to July 10, 2022.

For the entire length of the exhibition, the Scuderie del Quirinale will also host an exhibition space dedicated to the new Genova San Giorgio Bridge built by Webuild, a public work that has come to represent change as well as efficiency in the construction of infrastructure in Italy. 




Webuild: Italian President Sergio Mattarella inaugurates “Superbarocco. Arte a Genova da Rubens a Magnasco” exhibition at Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome

Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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