October 25, 2022

Webuild Group: 29 infrastructure projects in Italy, from north to south, 16,000 people employed, partnership with a supply chain of over 8,500 companies


Launched today, the distinctive website "Cantieri Trasparenti" (Transparent Construction Sites) with 18 webcams active in 5 different sites to follow works 24/7


  • The new "Cantieri Trasparenti" website goes live to share the ongoing activities in the Group's infrastructure sites with the respective communities, regions and the web 

  • A journey across the country to follow live Webuild's railway construction sites of the Terzo Valico dei Giovi, the HS/HC Verona/Padua line, the Bicocca-Catenanuova railway line, as well as works on Milan's M4 Metro and Rome's Line C Metro


Milan, October 25, 2022  – The Webuild Group is currently engaged on the construction of 29 large infrastructure works in Italy, in partnership with a supply chain of over 8,500 companies of which more than 1,200 were involved in 2021 alone for an overall contractual value exceeding 3.5 billion euros in 2021. 

From the North to the South of Italy, approximately 16,000 people, both directly and indirectly employed, are working on these projects of which over 9,000 in the North of Italy and 7,000 in Central and Southern Italy, equally distributing wealth and work. Particular attention is dedicated to creating growth opportunities for the young in the sector. Today, they represent approximately 20% of Webuild's workforce, and are destined to be increasingly involved in the Group's activities, in managerial roles and as workers.

The Group, in the whole of Italy, wishes to gradually extend the exclusive initiative in the sector “Cantieri Trasparenti”. Today, it has in fact launched the www.cantieritrasparenti.it website, thereby opening a virtual window onto the Group's construction site in total transparency, so as to share the Group's commitment and the hard work of the people working in the sites with the respective communities and regions. The new website, through the 18 live webcams, livestreams 24/7 construction works in 5 of the main ongoing infrastructure works being built in Italy.

Technicians, engineers, citizens and anyone who is simply curious can travel across Italy and watch, live, the works in Webuild's construction sites of the Terzo Valico dei Giovi, the HS/HC Verona-Padua line, the Bicocca-Catenanuova railway line and works in Milan's M4 Metro and Rome's Line C Metro.

These projects advance progressively. For example at the end of November, Milan's M4 metro line also known as the "Blue Line", will open six stations of the first section Linate-Dateo including the station of Linate international airport, whilst another two stations, hence reaching San Babila will open mid-2023. 

Webuild, the Italian construction giant, is now one of the largest players on a global scale in the construction of large-scale infrastructure for sustainable mobility, water, hydropower, and green buildings. Its track record includes building more than 13,600km of railways and subways and the excavation of about 2,400km of tunnels, about 80,300km of roads and highways, nearly 1,000km of bridges and viaducts, and over 300 dams and power plants. Webuild, outside its domestic market, is also building sections of the Grand Paris Express in France, hydroelectric projects to secure water and power for large areas of Africa, the Middle East, and Australia, as well as road infrastructure projects for large areas of the U.S.


Webuild Group: 29 infrastructure projects in Italy, from north to south, 16,000 people employed, partnership with a supply chain of over 8,500 companies

Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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