June 27, 2022

Webuild among best Governance companies according to ESG Criteria


  • Webuild one of the leading companies in the Integrated Governance Index 2022 which measures the centrality and degree of integration of ESG issues in corporate culture and strategy 

  • Webuild scores above average of listed companies, companies in the Industry sector and the Top 100 Italian 

  • Level of integration in corporate governance of non-financial variables measured


Milan, 27 June 2022 – Webuild is among the leading companies of the Integrated Governance Index (IGI) 2022, the sustainability index that annually measures the centrality and degree of integration of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) issues in culture and in the corporate strategy: i.e., the ESG Identity. The Group obtained this recognition thanks to its constant commitment to ESG issues and to its recorded performances, which for Webuild showed an above average score of listed companies, companies in the Industry sector and the Top 100 Italian.

The Integrated Governance Index, developed by ET.group, is a quantitative index that measures the evolution of ESG governance practices, processes and culture of the main Italian companies. For 2022, Webuild recorded a score of 58.14, ranking 25th, above the average of listed companies, companies in the sector and the Top 100 Italian. Being among the leading companies of the IGI means considering sustainability a priority, and governance an enabling factor, while also having a transversal awareness of all related issues.

The Integrated Governance Index analyses represent the first observatory in Italy and Europe regarding sustainability governance and the level of integration in corporate governance of non-financial variables (ESG).  For 2022, the index involved the top 100 listed companies in Italy, companies that drafted a Non-Financial Statement in 2021, and the top 50 unlisted Italian industrial companies. The questionnaire was submitted to about 300 companies: 86 were analysed, of which 67 were listed. The index covered 62% of the FTSE Mib companies and 50% of the top 100 Italian listed companies. 

The centrality of the sustainability issue is therefore confirmed in Webuild Group's management policies that, as of December 31, 2021, recorded a record order backlog of €45.4 billion, 92% of which related to projects linked to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Group, with its ESG Plan, aims at achieving new goals, including reducing the intensity of direct greenhouse gas emissions by 50%, by 2025, compared to 2017 levels.

Since 2021, Webuild is also part of the MIB® ESG Index of Borsa Italiana. The Group's attention to ESG issues is also confirmed by the assessments prepared by the most important specialized rating agencies: MSCI (with an A rating), CDP Climate Change (with a B rating), EcoVadis (Gold level), ISS-ESG (C + Prime level) and VigeoEiris (Advanced level). Among the most iconic and representative projects for environmental sustainability, to be noted include: Snowy 2.0, the largest project for the production of renewable energy in Australia; Lot 2 of the Riachuelo system in Buenos Aires, a mega infrastructure project for reducing the organic pollution of the Riachuelo River basin, one of the world’s most polluted; the Forrestfield-Airport Link in Perth, the new railway line that will shortly allow the connection between the eastern suburbs of Perth, Australia, and the city centre and airport, abroad and, in Italy, the high-speed Naples-Bari railway, a strategic infrastructure for connecting the South of Italy.

Webuild among best Governance companies according to ESG Criteria

Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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