March 31, 2022

Warrant Webuild S.p.A. 2021-2030


Communication pursuant to article 3.7(a) of the Warrant regulation


Milan, 31 March 2022 - It is announced that, in the period between 1 February and 31 March 2022, the Company issued a total of 78,180 Webuild S.p.A. ordinary shares to Unforeseen Creditors (as defined in the draft terms of the partial proportional demerger of Astaldi S.p.A. in favour of Webuild S.p.A. and in compliance with the resolutions passed by the Company’s Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on 30 April 2021 and with the provisions of the Warrant Regulation on “Subsequent Issues”).

Pursuant to the aforesaid Regulation, to date up to a maximum number of  647,203 Antidilutive Warrants can be exercised (equal to 0.8016046% of the Antidilutive Warrants held by each holder) entitling holders to receive up to a maximum number of  647,203 Webuild S.p.A. ordinary shares as conversion shares.

Only whole numbers of Antidilutive Warrants can be exercised (rounding down to the nearest unit). Any fractions may therefore contribute to the exercise of Antidilutive Warrants upon the occurrence of Subsequent Issues, for which the unexercised portion will be consolidated with the above issue.

The aforesaid Antidilutive Warrants can be exercised up until 31 August 2030, after which unexercised Warrants will lapse, becoming null and void for all intents purposes.

In light of the above, the holders of Antidilutive Warrants are requested to contact their depositary to verify how many Warrants can be exercised (in accordance with the above and with the “Formula for calculating the Warrants that can be exercised” set out in Article 3.1 of the Regulation), as well as to formalise, again through their depositary, any exercise of the Warrants, sending the specific communication form (available, together with the Antidilutive Warrant Regulation and FAQ, on the company website “Shareholders and Share Capital/Warrants – Documents and Communications” Section).


Warrant Webuild S.p.A. 2021-2030

Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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