December 02, 2021

Terzo Valico dei Giovi-Nodo di Genova (One Project): 75% of tunnel excavation completed


Valico Tunnel diaphragm being demolished


GENOA, December 2, 2021 –The Terzo Valico dei Giovi-Nodo di Genova project has reached another milestone only six months after a breakthrough along the planned Valico Tunnel, which will become the longest railway tunnel in Italy at 27 kilometres.

Workers are demolishing the diaphragm along the Valico Tunnel between the Fegino and Polcevera work sites. They will complete it on Saturday, December 4, the feast day of Santa Barbara, patron saint of miners.

The project, under development by Webuild on behalf of Rete Ferroviaria Italiana, a unit of state railway company Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group, under the aegis of Extraordinary Commissioner Calogero Mauceri, has completed 75% of the excavation work or more than 22 kilometres of tunnels.

The Fegino work site is also where the Campasso Tunnel is located and two connections at Voltri, which are crucial for the transport of cargo to and from the Port of Genoa with a network of tunnels of approximately 8 kilometres that will be connected to the Terzo Valico. The connection is also important for the work being done on the Nodo di Genova (Genoa Juncture), whose work sites were reopened by Webuild last year to facilitate the movement of cargo at the port.

The Terzo Valico dei Giovi is one of the most important sustainable infrastructure projects under construction in Italy. It is a project that has already given a boost to the country’s development. Its construction involves a supply chain of more than 2,300 businesses that employs approximately 5,000 people. Once completed, its combined 53 kilometres will help improve Italy’s competitiveness, strengthening its role as a hub for connections across Europe. It will also integrate the Genoa network and its port, making it a more functional international hub, thanks to connections to Turin, Milan and other parts of Europe. In terms of sustainability, it will favour a reduction of 33% in travel time between Genoa and Milan with a resulting reduction in CO2 emissions of 55% compared with road traffic.



Terzo Valico dei Giovi - Genova Junction - One Project

Terzo Valico dei Giovi-Nodo di Genova (One Project): 75% of tunnel excavation completed

Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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