April 28, 2022
Shareholders approve proposed resolutions, including 2021 financial statements, €0.055 per share dividend and remuneration policies
Milan, 28 April 2022 – The shareholders of Webuild S.p.A. (MTA: WBD) met today in an ordinary and extraordinary meeting and resolved to approve:
- the financial statements of Webuild S.p.A. as at 31 December 2021, and the distribution of a dividend of €0.055 to the holders of ordinary and savings shares with dividends right at the ex-dividend date. The payment date is 25 May 2022, the ex-dividend date 23 May 2022 (record date 24 May 2022);
- the remuneration report, which comprises Section I (Webuild S.p.A.’s remuneration policy for 2022) and Section II (actual remuneration figures for 2021);
- the renewal of the authorisation to repurchase and dispose of treasury shares, under the terms and conditions proposed by the board of directors;
- the supplement to the annual fees of the independent auditors KPMG S.p.A. from €1,203,000.00 to €1,860,000.00 (excluding the ISTAT cost of living increase, out-of-pocket expenses, external consultancies, VAT and the supervisory contribution to Consob - the Italian Commission for listed companies and the stock exchange - when due), for each year starting from the statutory audit of the separate and consolidated financial statements at 31 December 2021;
- the amendments to articles 2, 13, 13-bis, 13-ter, 22, 24 and 26 of the by-laws due to the resolution to set up a special list as per article 127-quinquies of the Consolidated Act for bonus shares after ascertaining the full completion of Progetto Italia and given the need to meet the requirements of flexibility, disclosure and/or operating transparency, including to align some measures with best market practices.
The report on the votes cast and the meeting minutes will be made available to the public pursuant to the methods and timeline envisaged by the ruling regulations.
Shareholders approve proposed resolutions, including 2021 financial statements, €0.055 per share dividend and remuneration policies
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