May 23, 2022
Savings Shareholders Special Meeting
Notice of deposit of the notice of call and of the related documentation.
Milan, May 23, 2022 - Please note that, today, the following documents have been made available to the public - on the Company's website, in the "" section as well as at the registered office and 1Info authorized storage mechanism (
- the notice of call of the Savings Shareholders Special Meeting of Webuild S.p.A., convened for June 23, 2022, in single call, at 10 am (please also see the "" section);
- the extract of the aforementioned notice of call, published today in the newspaper "Il Sole24Ore" in accordance with the applicable legislation (please also see "" section);
- the Report of the Board of Directors on the items on the agenda of the Meeting;
- the Report of the Common Representative of the Savings Shareholders.
Any further documentation on the items on the agenda will be made available to the public in the manner and within the terms provided for by the applicable laws and regulations.
In consideration that participating in the Meeting in question is allowed exclusively through the Designated Representative and that, during the course of the works, the presentation of proposals is not allowed (as clarified by Consob with Communication 3/2020), savings shareholders will be able to submit individual resolution proposals on the items on the agenda in the manner and timing provided for in the notice of call of the Meeting.