August 23, 2017

Webuild Climbs 2017 ENR International Rankings


First global Contractor in Water Sector for Fifth Consecutive Year 

Joins Top 10 in Transportation Sector

Joins Top 10 in U.S. Market


Milan, August 23, 2017 – Salini Impregilo climbs the international construction sector rankings: The US industry magazine Engineering News Record (ENR) published the latest edition of its Top 250 International Contractors list, confirming the Group as first global contractor in the water sector, and adding it to the top 10 in transportation and the US market.  “This recognition of Salini Impregilo on the international market confirms that the decisions made in these last few years are taking us in the right direction," said Salini Impregilo Chief Executive Officer Pietro Salini.

The Group’s expansion in the United States by winning important contracts alongside its subsidiary The Lane Construction Corporation has seen it take eighth place among the top foreign builders in the market by revenue.  Salini Impregilo’s position is significant given how it and the nine other companies were responsible for $43.2 billion of a total of $53.6 billion in revenues, equal to 80% of the revenue recorded in the entire US market by ENR. This confirms the US strategy adopted by Salini Impregilo, as outlined by its 2016-2019 business plan. 

The competitiveness of Salini Impregilo outside of its home market is also shown by it joining the Top 10 companies of the Transportation sector, which concerns roads and highways, bridges and tunnels, ports and airports, railways and metros. The top 10 builders were responsible for $75 billion of a total of $144 billion, 52% of the total revenues recorded in the category by ENR. 

The analysis of the construction market carried out by ENR shows that many countries and geographical areas are modernizing their infrastructure to keep up with the growth of megacities and the need for greater sustainability.  Pietro Salini said the rise in the number of orders in transportation and renewable energy “had not been the case for decades.”

In addition to confirming its leadership in the water sector, a $12 billion market (more than 50% earned by the Top 10) that includes dams, canals, purification plants, transmission plants and pumping stations, Salini Impregilo also ranks among the top 10 in the sewer/waste sector. 

The international ENR 2017 rankings, based on the revenues made by companies outside their home market in 2016, showed a huge leap among the top twenty by Salini Impregilo, which climbed from the 25th to the 18th position in the rankings thanks to a revenue increase from $6.2 to $6.8 billion. 

Salini Impregilo, with regard to the ENR rankings, is the only private Italian company among the first 45 of the Top 250 International Contractors ranking.

“Salini Impregilo's intention to strengthen its risk profile has made the US its single biggest market, with its aim of diversifying its core business directing it towards new strategic areas, like transportation. We keep growing in this sector, due to the fact that we continually strengthen our backlog with the largest global projects, like the Riyadh, Doha, Copenhagen and Lima metros," said Pietro Salini.

“The results for which we are recognized are the fruit of two main factors - he continued - The Group's first and most important development and success factor is its people, because their skills, in just over ten years, have allowed us to change from a family-owned business to a multinational company. Today, we are a company with unique managerial skills, which we continue to feed both internally and externally, through acquisitions. The second factor is our increased size, which we reached through a series of acquisitions, like the Lane acquisition in the US, which allowed us to consolidate our global position in 50 countries. This aspect is particularly important because size in the construction sector is important in order to be competitive,” concluded Pietro Salini. 

Webuild Climbs 2017 ENR International Rankings

Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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