April 03, 2024

Notice of filing of documents

Milan, April 3, 2024 - Please note that, as of today, the following documents have been made available to the public - on the company's website www.webuildgroup.com, in the "Governance/Shareholders' Meeting section, at the registered office and at authorized storage mechanism 1Info, www.1info.it, the lists for the appointment of the Board of Directors of the Company, with the related documentation, presented within the deadlines established by law and formed as shown hereunder.


List no. 1, deposited on March 28, 2024, jointly by the controlling partner Salini S.p.A.  and CDP Equity S.p.A., the overall owners of no. 571,089,521 shares equal to 56.13% of the ordinary share capital of Webuild S.p.A, composed by the following candidates, shown in the progressive order foreseen by the same list:  

1. Gian Luca Gregori *

2. Davide Croff *

3. Moroello Diaz della Vittoria Pallavicini *

4. Flavia Mazzarella *

5. Teresa Naddeo *

6. Alessandro Salini

7. Pietro Salini

8. Serena Torielli *

9. Laura Zanetti *

10. Francesco Renato Mele

11. Francesca Fonzi

12. Paola Fandella *

13. Itzik Michael Meghnagi *

14. Michele Valensise *

15. Luca Massatani


List no. 2, deposited on March 27, 2024, by a group of institutional investors, the overall owners of no. 12,378,722 shares equal to 1.216% of the ordinary share capital of Webuild S.p.A, composed by the following candidates, shown in the progressive order foreseen by the same list: 

1. Francesco Umile Chiappetta *

2. Lucrezia Reichlin *

3. Paolo Boccardelli *

4. Michela Costa *

5. Marcella Elvira Antonietta Logli *


List no. 3, deposited, on March 26, 2024, by INARCASSA – CASSA NAZIONALE DI PREVIDENZA ED ASSISTENZA, the overall owner of 23,026,026 ordinary shares equal to 2.263% of the ordinary share capital of Webuild S.p.A, composed by the following candidates, shown in the progressive order foreseen by the same list: 

1. Paolo Simioni *

2. Saskia Elisabeth Christina Kunst *


(*) Candidate who declared having the independence requirements set by the TUF and by the 2020 Corporate Governance Code.




We, also, inform you that shareholders Salini S.p.A. and CDP Equity S.p.A.  formulated, with the said List no. 1, the following proposals, pursuant to Article 126-bis, paragraph 1, third section of the TUF, to be subjected to the approval of the Meeting:

-     with regard to item 2.1 on the agenda of the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting ("Determination of the duration of the mandate of the Board of Directors"), to subject for the approval of the Shareholders' Meeting the proposal for determining, pursuant to Article 20 of the Bylaws, to set the term of the new Board of Directors at 3 (three) years and therefore up to the date of approval of the financial statements for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2026;

-     with regard to item 2.2 on the agenda of the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting ("Appointment of the Board Directors and of the Chairman") - if a minority list is not presented or in any case where it is necessary to proceed, during the Meeting, to the appointment of one or more directors who, for any reason, could not be elected with the vote by list method foreseen by the Bylaws - that the remaining directors shall be taken by the directors who have not been elected in List no. 1, in the progressive order according to which they are listed in said List no.1.

-     with regard to item 2.3 on the agenda of the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting ("Determination of the remuneration of Directors"), to subject for the approval of the Shareholders' Meeting, in continuity with current remunerations, the proposal to fix at Euro 60,000.00 (sixty thousand/00) annual/gross, the remuneration of directors holding special offices and the remuneration of committees established within the Board;

-     with regard to item 2.4 on the agenda of the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting ("Determination of the remuneration of the Chairman"), in continuity with the current remunerations, to subject for the approval of the Shareholders' Meeting, the proposal to fix at Euro 400,000.00 (four-hundred thousand/00) annual/gross, the remuneration of the Chairman of the Board of Directors.


Notice of filing of documents

Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
(*) Required information