February 09, 2022

Italian PM Draghi visits Webuild’s Terzo Valico dei Giovi Project, part of Europe’s TEN-T network


More than 5,000 people, 2,300 companies working round the clock on italy’s biggest sustainable mobility project with 30 tunnelling operations on 12 large work sites


GENOA, February 9, 2022 – Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi visited today the construction site of the Terzo Valico dei Giovi-Genoa Junction One Project, the biggest sustainable mobility project under development in Italy. It comprises 30 tunnelling operations on 12 work sites in the Piemonte and Liguria regions, involving more than 5,000 people and 2,300 small- and medium-sized businesses (directly and indirectly), nearly all of them Italian. The project is being built by a General Contractor led by Webuild for Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (FS Italiane Group) under the aegis of Extraordinary Commissioner Calogero Mauceri. It is 77% completed, thanks to a production system that is operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In addition to Mauceri and Webuild Chief Executive Pietro Salini, President Draghi was accompanied by Giovanni Toti, President of the Liguria region; Renato Franceschelli, the Prefect; Luigi Ferraris, Chief Executive of Ferrovie dello Stato; Vera Fiorani, Chief Executive of Rete Ferroviaria Italiana; and Andrea Nardinocchi, Chief Executive of Italferr.

With a combined length of 53 kilometres, the new high-speed/high-capacity railway will connect Genoa and Milan in less than an hour of travel, and strengthen Italy’s connections with Europe. It will bring high-speed trains to the port of the Ligurian city, from where more than 100 trains could depart for Rotterdam every day. The railway is part of  the Rhine-Alpine corridor of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T), one of the 16 TEN-T projects in which Webuild is involved in Italy.

The route is extremely complex, 70% of it being through tunnels. Crossing one of the most complex geologies in the world, it has brought about greater attention to measures needed to guarantee safety for workers at every stage of production. Along the entire route, a number of tunnelling methods have been deployed in light of the terrain’s different characteristics. Strict sustainability criteria have been imposed, from reducing the impact of work sites on the environment, to the reuse of excavated materials, to the protection of water sources. Once it becomes operational, the project will allow for a 33% reduction in travel times between Genoa and Milan, a 29% reduction in energy consumption, and 55% reduction in CO2 emissions as it encourages a transfer away from road travel.

The project has also been a big laboratory for innovation, guaranteeing the safety of workers and professional training. It has been included in the Scuola dei Mestieri (Trades School), an initiative launched nationally by Webuild to train specialised workers for the construction sector to support the infrastructure development plans of the government through the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan).

Webuild is a global leader in the construction of infrastructure for sustainable mobility with a track record of more than 13,600 kilometres of metro and rail lines, and 2,400 kilometres of tunnels. In Genoa, it was  responsible for the construction in record time of the Genova-San Giorgio Bridge, an iconic work of great innovation. In Italy, the Group is involved in some of the most important projects to modernise the country’s transport system, including sections of the high-speed railways between Naples and Bari, and Verona and Padua. It is working on the railway along the Palermo-Catania-Messina route, a new section of the Ionian State Road, and new metro lines in Rome, Milan and Naples.


Italian PM Draghi visits Webuild’s Terzo Valico dei Giovi Project, part of Europe’s TEN-T network

Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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