April 29, 2024

Communication about the share buy-back programme

Completion of the share buy-back programme approved by the Shareholders in their meeting of 27 April 2023

Launch of the buy-back programme approved by the Shareholders in their meeting of 24 April 2024

During the week of 22-26 April 2024, 315,000 ordinary treasury shares were purchased (equal to 0.031% of the ordinary share capital worth a total of approximately €688 thousand)


Milan, 29 April 2024 – Webuild S.p.A. informs that, following the resolution passed by the Shareholders in their Ordinary Meeting held on 24 April 2024, which authorised the buy-back and sale of ordinary treasury shares (LEI: 549300UKR289DF4UXQ47), subject to cancellation, for the residual unexecuted part, of the resolution passed by the Shareholders in their Ordinary Meeting held on 27 April 2023, on 24 April 2024:

  • the share buy-back programme launched on 28 April 2023 pursuant to the above shareholders' resolution dated 27 April 2023 was completed.
    As part of this programme, a total of 5,568,369 ordinary treasury shares were purchased (equal to 1.16% of the total volume of shares traded in the aforementioned period) at an average price of €1.96 per share, worth a total of €10,914,911.21;
  • as part of the authorisation approved by the Shareholders today, the buy-back programme of treasury shares (the "Programme”) was launched.



The details of the Programme are provided below pursuant to article 144-bis of Consob resolution no. 11971/1999 (the "Issuers' Regulation").


Purpose of the Programme

The purpose of the Programme is to purchase ordinary treasury shares to the extent permitted and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, as well as market practices permitted by Consob or other competent authorities from time to time in order to:

a) operate on the market, in compliance with the laws and regulations in force and through intermediaries, in order to support the liquidity of the share and to regularise the trend of trading and prices, in the presence of any fluctuations in prices that reflect abnormal trends, including those linked to excessive volatility or poor trading liquidity and/or placements of shares on the

market by Shareholders that have the effect of affecting its development and/or, more generally, contingent market;

b) carry out medium- and long-term investments or seize market opportunities, including by purchasing and selling shares, when appropriate;

c) create a portfolio of treasury shares to be used in the event of extraordinary financial and/or incentive transactions and/or for other uses deemed to be of financial, managerial and/or strategic interest for the Company.

The buy-back is not instrumental in reducing the share capital by cancelling the treasury shares purchased.


Maximum number of treasury shares and term of the Programme

The share buy-back programme, which may be implemented within 18 months from the date of the shareholders' resolution and, therefore, by 24 October 2025, may concern up to a maximum number of ordinary treasury shares not exceeding 10% of the share capital at the time of transaction, also considering the treasury shares possibly held by the Company, directly or indirectly, through its subsidiaries.


Minimum and maximum consideration and maximum countervalue

The purchase of treasury shares may not in any case deviate, either downwards or upwards, by more than 20% from the reference price recorded by the share during the stock exchange session preceding each individual transaction.



The share buy-back shall be carried out in accordance with the principle of equal treatment of shareholders, in line with the operating procedures established by the applicable laws and regulations, as well as market practices permitted by Consob or other competent authorities from time to time.

In order to perform the transactions to buy back its own shares, the Company will use financial intermediaries who will operate in full independence and without being influenced by the Company as regards the timing of the purchases, without prejudice to any further communications that the Company will take care to make in this regard in accordance with the legal and regulatory framework in force, including accepted market practices, as applicable.

Under the Programme, the Company is not obliged to purchase treasury shares or to do so to the maximum extent authorised by the Shareholders. The Programme may be launched in part and/or suspended, interrupted and revoked at any time, subject to due notice.



Based on the above, Webuild informs that, in the week 22-26 April 2024, it purchased 315,000 ordinary treasury shares (equal to 0.031% of the ordinary share capital and 1.96% of the total volume of shares traded in the same period) for a total of €688,549.85.

The total number of treasury shares held by the Company at 26 April 2024 is 23,744,211, equal to 2.333% of the ordinary share capital.

The details of the purchases made (through the intermediary Intermonte S.p.A.) on a daily basis are provided below and the transactions carried out during the above period are attached hereto.

Communication about the share buy-back programme 29/04/2024

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