December 29, 2021

Webuild: “Building Sights. A Journey Through Contemporary Infrastructure", the new photographic story of Webuild's construction sites worldwide


Milan, December 29, 2021 - A photographic journey through the images of the infrastructure built by the Webuild Group in over 115 years of history. A leap from the skyscrapers of Panama City to the deserts of the Middle East, from the extreme geometries of Copenhagen to the wrinkles on the workers' faces on our Italian construction sites. This is the journey of “Building Sights. A Journey through contemporary infrastructure”, the book published by the Webuild Group, and edited by Rizzoli, a selection of shots of photographer Edoardo Montaina.

"Infrastructure - explains Pietro Salini, Webuild CEO, in the introduction to the book entitled "Frontiers”, is essential for socio-economic development. The very etymology of this word immediately makes us think of our communal living, of the great works that make it possible for people to change their lives, which then change the destiny of entire communities, providing them with the means to go beyond their borders".

In Edoardo Montaina's photographic book, available also in a digital edition, the shots narrate the frontiers in construction sites, the place where a great work is born, and where Man meets nature. Privileged access to the Webuild Group's "work in progress", capable of illustrating the innovation, strength and beauty that can be found in each engineering feat undertaken. 

Faces, geometries, cities, nature, visions, speed, work, are moments and places that come to life in the photos of the author, who began his career in 1985, and has held various exhibitions around the world over the years.

The book is a journey through the large construction sites of the Webuild Group worldwide  An illustration of how the Group has evolved in terms of experience and a track record of over 80,000 km of roads, almost 14,000 km of railways and metros, 2,300 km of tunnels, almost 1,000 km of bridges as well as 313 dams and hydro-electric plants.  


Webuild: “Building Sights. A Journey Through Contemporary Infrastructure", the new photographic story of Webuild's construction sites worldwide

Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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