October 03, 2022

Appointment by co-optation of two Board Members following the resignation of two other members


MILAN, October 3, 2022 – Please note that the Board of Directors of Webuild S.p.A. today appointed by co-optation, based upon a proposal by CDP Equity S.p.A. (pursuant to the shareholders' agreements in force), Andrea Alghisi and Francesco Renato Mele, both managers of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A., as new Board members, replacing Pierpaolo Di Stefano and Tommaso Sabato, who resigned.


The resignations of Pierpaolo Di Stefano and Tommaso Sabato, non-independent and non-executive Board members, were tendered on September 30, 2022 due to "supervening professional commitments" and effective as of the co-optation of the two new directors.

It should be noted that Pierpaolo Di Stefano and Tommaso Sabato (i) as of the date of their resignation, were not members of any of the Endoconsulting Committees, (ii) will not receive compensation or other benefits as a result of leaving office, and (iii) to the best of the Company's knowledge, do not hold Webuild shares as of today's date. New Directors Andrea Alghisi and Francesco Renato Mele - who will hold office until the next Shareholders' Meeting - are both non-independent, as ascertained by the Board of Directors at today's meeting, and non-executive. To the best of the Company's knowledge, they do not hold Webuild shares, as of today.

For their curricula vitae, please refer to the corporate website, "Governance - Board of Directors" section”.


The Board of Directors would like to extend its sincere gratitude to Pierpaolo Di Stefano and Tommaso Sabato for their fruitful and excellent collaboration during their terms of office, wishing them all the best in their forthcoming new assignments and professional challenges.

Appointment by co-optation of two Board Members following the resignation of two other members

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