September 25, 2024

Webuild supports first "Casa delle Luci" charity dinner, in Milan, to help the young with serious communication disabilities

Webuild's "Rome Silent Beauty" photos of 2020 lockdown protagonists of charity auction, as a metaphor of a new way of speaking of the city

Milan, September 25, 2024 - A charity dinner for private citizens and companies will take place today, September 25, at the Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia, in Milan, to support young people and adults with serious communication disabilities: it's the first "Illuminiamo il futuro" charity dinner (Let's illuminate our future) of Fondazione "Casa delle Luci", which is supported by the Webuild Group. 

The Casa delle Luci project was brought to life by the Foundation established in 2018 by Andrea and Emanuela Silvestri to help their son and other children with disabilities, after having met the speech therapist Luisa Gibellini, now Chairman of the Foundation. The aim of said Foundation, in whose Board sits Webuild's GM Massimo Ferrari, is to help young people and adults to step out of the darkness of their communication disabilities, brought about by physical, sensory and cognitive issues. This is done through a technology that brings together the Italian sign language (LIS) and alternative augmented communication, especially in that very delicate moment of when one starts to become an adult.

Specialized personnel in the two headquarters of Milan and Rome follow the 63 young men and women. This offers support not just to these young people but also to their families, in allowing them to better communicate and relate to a person with disabilities. To better support these young men and women along their path, various experiential activities have been created, like the "Laboratori LISguistici" labs, to Bowling, to the independent life plan and the "Giorni Diversi" weekends alone.

The idea of a charity night to collect funds, which will be also replicated in the forthcoming years, has been thought of to allow people to better know about this reality, presenting the innovative communication strategies used by the foundation, allowing to better meet the increasing need for assistance and experiential activities, today, but more so, to ensure a more serene future to these young people and their families. 

A charity auction will also take place during the evening. Webuild's "Rome Silence Beauty" original photos, from the cultural project that showed a unique and profound Rome, during the 2020 lockdown months, will be protagonists of this auction, offering a new visual way of communicating this city has to offer, through unusual and very expressive images. The photos offered for the auction are part of a huge collection that gave way to the namesake book published by Rizzoli on Webuild's behalf, and an exhibition held in 2023 at the Istituto VIVE – Vittoriano e Palazzo Venezia. They show a unusual and unique silent Rome, expressing the city's essence, allowing to rethink the yet-to-come urban infrastructures in a new sustainable perspective. 

Webuild supports first "Casa delle Luci" charity dinner, in Milan, to help the young with serious communication disabilities

Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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