March 21, 2024

Webuild General Manager Massimo Ferrari: "increasing Group investments based on lawfulness, safety and training across the entire infrastructure supply chain"

Strait of Messina Bridge is Italian project of excellence also in terms of transparency and lawfulness


Milan, 21 March 2024 – "Lawfulness, transparency and safety at work are at the heart of Webuild’s growth strategy, both in Italy and abroad. The size we have achieved enables us to lead a supply chain of excellence, working transparently, lawfully and safely. Only a company straddling the economic system like Webuild is able to sustain similar investments on these topics". 

This was stated by Massimo Ferrari, General Manager of Webuild, who spoke at the round table "The role of banks and enterprises" during the conference "The dynamics of criminal infiltration in the economy: risks and remedies", which was organised by Transcrime, the inter-university research centre on crime and innovation of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, and ANFACI (National Association of Civil Servants of the Home Office), to discuss the challenges and solutions to combat the phenomenon with all stakeholders.

"We are committed to building quality infrastructure, strengthening the internal risk management system. Large companies operating in the field of infrastructure, such as Webuild, are called upon to interact with an increasingly complex ecosystem of companies, institutions and research centres, also from a regulatory point of view, which requires ever increasing in-depth expertise. As a demonstration of our commitment alongside institutions, we have recently signed memoranda of understanding with law enforcement bodies, in order to share in a widespread manner a culture of legality, skills and investments in training with the Group’s entire chain of partner companies". 

This is a particularly strong commitment in the southern regions. "In the South, we are involved in 19 projects, with about 5,500 people at work, including direct and indirect employees, with a supply chain of 4,300 companies from the start of works. With the training and employment programme “Cantiere Lavoro Italia, we wish to create skills and jobs, especially in the South, and that is why we are also accelerating the opening of training and education centres in Campania and Calabria; the skills we create will help these human resources create a future for themselves by working with us on construction sites in Italy and worldwide. In addition to the works that we are already carrying out, we finally have the opportunity to build the Strait of Messina Bridge, a 'Made in Italy' engineering showcase. As we did for the Genoa Bridge, we will be able to show the world how to achieve such a complex project well, on time, and in full compliance with the rule of law," Ferrari said in conclusion. 

Webuild General Manager Massimo Ferrari: "increasing Group investments based on lawfulness, safety and training across the entire infrastructure supply chain"

Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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