June 05, 2024
Webuild: Environmental Code of Conduct extended also to Partners and Suppliers launched today for the 2024 World Environment Day event
Group exceeds ESG 2021-2023 target for CO2 emissions
Milan, June 5, 2024 – A constant commitment in 50 nations, worldwide, to safeguarding the environment, while also enhancing the territory and communities. And, for making the works that we build even more sustainable, by partnering with clients, the authorities, and our suppliers for this very purpose. Webuild, this year too, celebrates the World Environment Day in its global construction sites with this goal in mind. And also launches an Environmental Code of Conduct made of 15 rules that it also extends to all of its suppliers and partners. The aim is spreading along the entire production chain greater awareness, commitment, and a common vision on this topic, also through specific communication campaigns created for this very purpose.
The World Environment Day was created by the United Nations in 1974. It offers the opportunity of reaffirming the Group's commitment to commonly improving environmental matters. This year's edition is "Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience”. And Webuild has also organized a talk that is open to all employees, which focuses on the ESG Plan and on the environmental initiatives promoted on a global scale, with innovation, research and technology as drivers supporting sustainable growth. The talk aims at engaging all Group people in being an active part of daily safeguarding the environment and contributing to an environmentally friendly respectful growth.
Webuild's sustainability strategy core centers on the desire of reaching a zero-carbon goal by 2050. And this is why specific targets were defined, validated by SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative), which concern both direct and indirect emissions created by construction sites, and indirect ones caused before and afterwards by our suppliers and clients.
Innovation, circular economy, digitalization, and sustainable finance, all define the required scenario for reaching these targets, which have been formalized, with all the required actions in the ESG 2021-2023 Plan. A Plan that ended in 2023 that exceeded by a long distance the initial forecasts made by Webuild. The Group has particularly surpassed the expected target in relation to reducing the intensity level of greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1&2), reduced by 67% compared to the 2017 baseline, and in relation to the 2025 target of -50%. Additional investments in innovative high potential projects to build by 2023, doubling the initial forecasts, and exceeding the €57 million figure, against the initially expected €30 million. In line with the Plan's targets, the LTIFR injury rate figure registered a reduction in 2022, equal to 41% compared to the 2017 baseline, further improving by 28% in 2023.
Results acknowledged by rating agencies specialised in the ESG sector. Webuild confirmed itself to be a "global leader in fighting climate change" according to CDP (ex-Carbon Disclosure Project), being promoted to an “AA” rating by MSCI ESG Ratings, which acknowledged its constant Corporate Governance and Health & Safety commitment. The Group also maintains an excellent rating according to ISS-ESG (B- Prime level), and Moody’s ESG - ex Vigeo Eiris (Advanced level). Since 2021, Webuild is also part of the MIB® ESG Index of Borsa Italiana (Italian Stock Exchange), dedicated to the Italian blue-chips with the best ESG practices.
The Group's strengthened leadership in sustainability terms, concomitantly occurs with a growing focus on innovation, with core process digitalization investments, but also investments in construction techniques and quality-oriented initiatives, safety and the environment. And green TBMs are a tangible example of this: machines currently being used, for example, in Sicily to build the Palermo-Catania-Messina high-capacity railway line, with innovative features for reducing energy consumption, developed by the Group with its suppliers. Among these, are both the highly efficient components and improved power correction factors compared to traditional standards, like the Eco Cruise, which allows regulating the TBM's functioning parameters to maximize the advancement speed while also reducing electric consumption, by automatically switching-off unused systems.
In May, Webuild also started at Terni, in Italy, a . The factory services, modifies and updates the TBMs to allow to reuse them in new projects, also in a circular economy perspective.