March 24, 2025

Webuild: the XVI Century Santa Maria di Loreto Church in Piazza Venezia shines again thanks to a complex restoration, part of the works for the Metro C Project

Building according to Beauty is the innovative way of constructing large infrastructure projects in cities for urban regeneration

Line C works are an opportunity for safeguarding and enhancing the historical and artistic heritage of the Italian capital

The structure of Santa Maria di Loreto Church has been consolidated, and the ancient frescos have been brought back to life thanks to cutting-edge technologies and the combined commitment of institutions, companies and a multidisciplinary team of experts

Rome, March 24, 2025 - A XVI century masterpiece in Rome whose dome looks upon Piazza Venezia has been brought back to life again: the Santa Maria di Loreto Church has been brought back to its original splendour thanks to the restoration interventions made by the consortium led by Webuild and Vianini Lavori, as part of the works to build the to-be Venezia station of Line C of Rome's metro.

The interventions on Santa Maria di Loreto Church are part of the larger programme carried out by the consortium to safeguard and enhance monuments and buildings of Piazza Venezia, in Rome's historical centre, with the scientific guidance and high surveillance of the Special Supervisory Board of Rome. In this specific case, activities focused on the Church dedicated to the Madonna di Loreto owned by the Pio Sodalizio dei Fornai

Eighteen months of works that began in 2023 allowed to requalify this Roman treasure thanks to the beautiful teamwork that put together engineering, architectonic and artistic skills with the engagement of a multidisciplinary team of workers, engineers, architects, topographers and restoration experts. Activities focused on structural consolidation, by adding steel reinforcements into the walls and by installing innovative monitoring systems, while also restoring the internal artistic heritage, among which also the frescos of the dome and the stuccoes of the presbytery. 

The Rome Bakers Guild authorized by Pope Alexander VI "Borgia" in 1492 financed the construction of this church, which began in 1507, then interrupted by the Sack of Rome, to be then restarted until works were concluded in 1594. A unique heritage of Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, while the Dome was created by Jacopo Del Duca, Michelangelo's pupil. Its restoration of 1870 was curated by Giuseppe Sacconi, the architect that a few years later would have designed and directed the construction works of the Vittoriano.

As one exits the church, art and infrastructures also merge together in the close-by construction site that is building the new Venezia Station. Promoted by the consortium, with the patronage of Roma Capitale, with the joint collaboration of the competent Supervisory Boards, the urban regeneration project "Murales" transformed Piazza Venezia into an innovative cultural platform, transforming the site's silos, typically industrial instruments, into canvases that show contemporary art works created by internationally-renowned artists, who starting last December, alternate every four months. April will therefore reveal the work of art of the second of the six artists who have been selected to interpret the transformations that are ongoing in the city.

Completato il consolidamento e il restauro della Chiesa di Santa Maria di Loreto, Metro Roma Linea C, Webuild

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Videonews Line C - Interventions on Santa Maria di Loreto Church, in Rome, are now completed thanks to the Metro C Project
Webuild: the XVI Century Santa Maria di Loreto Church in Piazza Venezia shines again thanks to a complex restoration, part of the works for the Metro C Project
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