April 11, 2024

Webuild CEO Pietro Salini: "Italy must push towards infrastructure with long-term integrated plans to remain competitive"

Strait of Messina Bridge fundamental work for economic development and employment


Salini intervened at the round table organized by Regione Lombardia and the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, with regard to the meeting of the Ministers of Transport of the G7


Milan, April 11, 2024 – “Investing in infrastructure with long-term plans means planning the future of Italy and of a Europe that is increasingly integrated, creating employment, innovation and economic growth. In Italy all large infrastructures brought about a lot of controversies, before and after their construction. Suffice to think of the huge critiques made for the ‘Autostrada del Sole’ motorway. This is also what happens today with the Strait of Messina Bridge, but we know that common sense and the willingness to grow of the South will prevail”. These were the words spoken by Webuild CEO Pietro Salini as he intervened today at the round table named ‘Mobilità e sfide future, tra sviluppo delle reti e crescente instabilità globale’ (Mobility and future challenges, between network development and increasing global instability), organized in parallel to the meeting held of the Transport Ministers of the G7, by Regione Lombardia (Lombardy Region) and the Italian Ministry of Transport. It was an occasion where the main stakeholders of the sector were able to exchange opinions and discuss the topics related to the most urgent mobility challenges. 

Italy is seeing huge infrastructural investments today, also thanks to the National Resilience Plan (PNRR), but Salini said that it is also necessary to move with a 360° perspective, also investing in training. “This is exactly what Webuild is doing with its ‘Cantiere Lavoro Italia’, the training and employment programme specifically created to meet the lack of specialized workers in our country, considering that Webuild alone will hire 10,000 people in the next two years, especially in the South of Italy, of which 2,000 already have been hired. This Region is living an unseen infrastructural investment phase. And in this sense, the Strait of Messina Bridge is fundamental considering the 100 billion euro investment made on the North-South high-speed railway and that on the Palermo-Catania-Messina route”.

Salini went on to highlight that in Italy alone, the Webuild Group is building 31 large works with investments that also engage a supply chain of 16,500 companies, bringing premium quality employment, training, legality, skills, work safety and R&D activity in the territory. "The works that Webuild is building in Italy and worldwide are the result of a virtuous supply chain system that must become increasingly stronger to build the infrastructural projects of the future. And the Group's commitment is not just to building, but also for the side activities like the maintenance of TBMs, the huge mechanical moles that excavate tunnels, or the production of construction components, like pre-cast concrete segments used to line tunnels. This system of strongly bonded, virtuous and competitive companies is at the very foundation of our work in Italy and in the world. It allows us to be called to work in the largest national and international projects, like for the Texas high-speed rail or the futuristic project of Trojena in Saudi Arabia

Salini, AD Webuild: “Italia spinga su infrastrutture con piani integrati a lungo termine per rimanere competitiva”

Webuild CEO Pietro Salini: "Italy must push towards infrastructure with long-term integrated plans to remain competitive"

Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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