April 28, 2022

Webuild celebrates World Day for Health and Safety at work 2022


World safety day

  • For the seventh consecutive year, Webuild proposes a series of training and best practice initiatives on safety and prevention 
  • Thousands of people take part in Rome, Milan offices and construction sites in Italy and abroad


MILAN, April 28, 2022 – For the seventh consecutive year, Webuild took part in the World Day for Health and Safety at Work organised by the International Labour Organization (ILO) as it builds a corporate culture that holds safety as the highest of priorities at its offices and construction sites. The Group conducted throughout the day a series of initiatives that involved thousands of people, emphasizing the contribution that every employee can make to improve safety for everyone.

The integrated safety and prevention system that the Group applies to its activities in its offices and on its construction sites follows a set of procedures that go above and beyond the standard. The system analyses potential risks and provides training and monitoring. In addition to this system the corporate culture programme named Valyou is a multi-year training and internal communication programme that promotes safety among employees by engaging them as Safety Builders. Thanks to Valyou, Webuild won the Gold Award from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RosSPA) in 2020, a recognition given to companies that distinguish themselves for their commitment to preventing accidents and protecting the health of their workers.

The safety culture being developed by the Group involves everyone - from management, down. The procedures are strict and specific. The Group also pursues  technological innovation, with the World Day creating an opportunity to highlight how it is being applied to enhance safety on its construction sites. One example is the collaboration it has had with research centres and start-ups, one of the results being the Autonomous Exploration Electrified Vehicle (AXEL). It is a remote-controlled robot used to explore tunnels so workers can avoid putting their health at risk in unknown and potentially harmful atmospheric conditions. The robot was tested on a site involved in the construction of the Turin-Lyon high-speed/high-capacity railway. Another example is the use of simulators and virtual reality to train workers in a safe environment.  These were made available during a dedicated workshop for employees of the head offices in Roma and Milan to test.

Webuild is a global player in the construction of infrastructure for sustainabile mobility. Its track record includes more than 13,600 kilometres of rail and metro lines and approximately 80,300 kilometres of roads and highways. It has also built approximately 2,400 kilometres of tunnels, 946 kilometres of bridges and viaducts, and 313 dams and hydroelectric plants. In Italy, the Group is involved in developing 27 infrastructure projects with approximately 8,000 suppliers to support economic development. 

Webuild celebrates World Day for Health and Safety at work 2022

Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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