The Baroque: The Essence of Wonder

Barocco Webuild

Concert in Piazza Navona in Rome: Maestro Antonio Pappano and the Orchestra of Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia celebrate the Baroque era

Rome, April 21, 2022 – Maestro Antonio Pappano conducted yesterday a concert in the Church of Sant’Agnese in Agone in Piazza Navona, Rome, as part of the “Superbarocco” celebration of Genovese Baroque, one of the greatest artistic periods of Genoa and Italy.

We wanted to celebrate Genovese Baroque because it is a historic period of change and projection towards the future,” said Webuild Chief Executive Pietro Salini. “So in Rome as well as Genoa we celebrated through the beauty of music. Infrastructure and art show just how humanity is able to leave an indelible mark on history even in the most difficult of moments. They can be seen as an opportunity towards something new that can help us to grow”. 

Read the Press Note

The Baroque: The essence of wonder, between music and architecture

Barocco, l'essenza della meraviglia tra musica e architettura - Webuild

Relive the concert event in Piazza Navona

Concerto Barocco: l'intervento di Pietro Salini
Concerto Barocco: le riprese aeree della proiezione a Piazza Navona
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The images from the Concert event

Concerto Barocco

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The Baroque Concert has been projected live on the façades of Sant’Agnese in Agone Church, in Rome, and of Palazzo Ducale in Piazza de Ferrari in Genoa

Fotogallery Super Barocco

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Webuild celebrates the “Superbarocco” event, 
in a cultural project, from Rome to Genoa

Webuild renews its commitment to cultural and territorial sustainability, by supporting the international cultural project "Superbarocco" with the Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome, and the Municipality of Genoa: a series of initiatives dedicated to the period of greatest splendour of Genoese art, between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, for Genoa and Italy as a whole. 

By supporting the "Superbarocco" exhibit, Webuild intends to contribute to enhancing Italy's artistic heritage and territories, while also consolidating its closeness to the Ligurian territory. The story of the Baroque period becomes a source of inspiration for the Italy of today, as it faces the challenges of revitalizing the country's economy and employment. For Webuild, recalling the artistic ferment in Genoa, during this period, means also renewing its promise to be inspired by the example of Italian geniuses who were able to gather energy and passion to promote that very rebirth which is still a challenge for Italy today.

Among the initiatives of the cultural project "Superbarocco": the "Baroque Concert" on April 20 directed by Maestro Antonio Pappano; the Rome exhibition " Superbarocco. Arte a Genova da Rubens a Magnasco" hosted by the Scuderie del Quirinale; and the Genoa exhibition " La Forma della Meraviglia. Capolavori a Genova tra il 1600 e il 1750


Fotogallery Super Barocco

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The "Superbarocco" art exhibitions promoted by Webuild

The “Superbarocco. Splendore genovese da Rubens a Magnasco” exhibit is jointly organized by the Scuderie del Quirinale and the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., with the special collaboration of the City of Genoa and its museums and the Scuderie, partners of the City of Genoa for the initiatives in the area.

For the exhibit's entire duration, the Scuderie will also host an exhibition space dedicated to the Genoa's new San Giorgio Bridge, the infrastructural work built by Webuild, now a symbol of change and efficiency when building new infrastructure. 

Webuild is also a partner of the exhibit held in Genoa, “La Forma della Meraviglia. Capolavori a Genova tra il 1600 e il 1750”, within the Doge's Apartment in Palazzo Ducale, in Genoa (Appartamento del Doge di Palazzo Ducale di Genova) from March 27, until July 10, 2022

An exhibition space entirely inspired by the Genoa San Giorgio Bridge will also be included in Palazzo Ducale: the "Genoa Model" room is a virtual journey inside the impressive infrastructural work, which will accompany visitors throughout the duration of the exhibit.


Barocco Webuild

For Webuild, remembering the Genoese Baroque period

means looking to a future of true sustainable rebirth: the grandeur and splendour of this era can once again relive and inspire us for the future

"Le Meraviglie" (The Wonders) - Claudio Strinati tells a story of the Baroque

Le Meraviglie - Claudio Strinati racconta il Barocco

The Baroque, between past and present

An invisible thread links the stringent current events with the historical legacy and importance of the Baroque period. The seventeenth century was a crucial century for European history which handed over great renovations to posterity. 

From the birth of Modern Science, with Galileo Galilei, to the great artistic personalities, the Baroque still currently tells a story, in our collective imagination, of the wonder and rupture of Renaissance’s equilibriums.

And it is precisely that very rupture and "expressive exaggeration" that is now celebrated by the initiatives supported by the Webuild Group, and dedicated to the Genoese "Superbarocco".


Baroque Splendour for the City of Genoa: The New European Hub

The Baroque, for the city of Genoa, was a historical period of maximum splendour. A journey through the seventeenth century that contributed to the social, artistic and economic growth of the city. That very same city that was born again in recent years thanks to a long-term vision marked by the development of those excellences that have made it great over the centuries.

The construction of the New San Giorgio Bridge, the high-speed and high-capacity railway works that will connect it to Milan, the great works that aim to relaunch the seaport, tell of the opportunity that Genoa is experiencing: i.e. becoming, once again, a European cultural and trade hub.

The Baroque: The Essence of Wonder
Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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