September 29, 2022

Webuild records year-to-date €9.4 bln in new orders, acquired or in process of being finalised


2022 commercial results seen significantly better than guidance


  • More than 30 new projects so far this year, most in sustainable mobility, low-risk markets

  • Global opportunity for supply chain

  • Renewed interest in maintenance sector in Italy


MILAN, Sept 29, 2022 – Europe, Australia and North America were the main markets where Webuild acquired new orders in the first nine months of the year, with their combined value reaching €9.4 billion. The orders – acquired, best offers or variations on existing orders – highlight the Group’s resilience at a historic moment of significant complexity with inflation pressures on a global scale. They also confirm its leadership in sectors of high engineering expertise such as sustainable mobility, as well as lead to commercial results seen exceeding significantly the guidance for 2022.

Webuild registered more than 30 projects, acquired or for which the Group and its subsidiaries are the preferred bidders. More than 80% of the combined value of the projects is located in low-risk markets, such as Europe (40%), North America (20%) and Australia (22%). Of the total, Webuild or its subsidiaries are preferred bidders for €3.8 billion worth of projects.

In Italy, more projects financed by the PNRR (National Plan for Recovery and Resilience) are expected to be tendered before the end of the year. The domestic market continues to offer the Group great opportunities, to the benefit of the entire supply chain of 8,000 businesses involved in the construction of 27 big infrastructure projects in Italy.

The orders registered for the period strengthened the Group’s position in the sector of sustainable mobility, in which are included 12 new projects for a total of €5.7 billion, including the Sotra Connection road and bridge network in Norway and the expansion of a section of the Mainline Turnpike in Florida.

Webuild has a commercial pipeline totalling approximately €49.9 billion, which includes tenders presented and awaiting outcome for €13.6 billion. Webuild continues to monitor its core markets such as some countries in central and northern Europe, Australia and North America, which have launched major infrastructure development plans and make up more than 80% of the Group’s commercial pipeline.

Sustainability is an important goal under the Group’s commercial strategy, which at June 30, 2022 had a record order book of €47 billion with 90% of the construction backlog of the Group related to projects designed to achieve sustainable development goals set by the United Nations.


Webuild records year-to-date €9.4 bln in new orders, acquired or in process of being finalised

Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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