Our Group Strategy

Market Trends and Strategic Drivers

Organizational structure, technical capabilities and order book already in place to achieve roadmap targets by generating cash

With the presentation in march 2023 of the Business Plan “Roadmap to 2025 – The Future is now”, Webuild started a new phase of its evolution. Webuild has reached a level of scale, expertise and technological know-how that allow it to set more ambitious targets and to strengthen its role as a partner for clients in the climate and energy transition.


The plan is based on three main drivers:

Our strategic drivers

1. Business Evolution

Further acceleration of business, leveraging on:

  • Solid order backlog which gives more than 6 years’ visibility on revenues;
  • Organization, people, know-how, local platform already in place in core markets, like Europe, US, Australia and Middle East;
  • Reorganization of some subsidiaries underway to extract value and seize market opportunities

2. Operational Efficiency Plan and Cash Generation

Webuild remains committed to keep its headquarter and work site costs under control, streamlining the investment plan, and continuing to improve the cash conversion cycle and to maximize cash-ins of slow-moving items.

3. Investments in Safety, Innovation and Environment

Webuild aim at improving the environmental sustainability of the Group's projects and activities, by leveraging innovation and digitalization. Confirming Webuild's constant commitment, the Group will further invest in sustainability, setting new ambitious targets by 2025.

With the new Plan, the Group intends to continue to:

  • contribute to accelerating the climate transition towards a low-emission economy, investing in clean technology, improving the environmental sustainability of construction sites as well as of the infrastructures once completed;
  • represent the sector benchmark in terms of health and safety, skills development, inclusion and efficiency, through investments in innovation and digitalization.

2024 Financial Targets

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Book to bill

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Solid Net Cash Position

2025 ESG Target

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intensity of greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1-2) by 2025 (vs 2022)

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reduction in the Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) by 2025 (vs 2022)

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female managers in the Group by 2025

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investments in cleantech and high-potential innovative projects by 2025

Our Group Strategy

Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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