Internal dealing

Regulations and Adoption

The Company adopted a special “Internal Dealing Code of Conduct” by which it defined operating modalities to ensure the prompt communication to the market of buy and/or sales transactions, in excess of a predetermined amount, involving Webuild shares or related financial instruments executed by corporate officers of the Company or parties closely related to them.

The Code was drawn-up pursuant to (i) Article 19 of the European Parliament and Council of the European Union Regulation no. 596/2014 of April 16, 2014, (ii) by European Commission Regulation no. 522/2016 of December 17, 2015, (iii) by the European Commission Regulation no. 523/2016 of March 10, 2016, (iv) by Italian Legislative Decree no. 58 of February 24, 1998 and by the Regulation approved through the Consob resolution no. 11971 of May 14, 1999.

In compliance with the Code, the following are deemed as Relevant Persons:

Internal Dealing

Members of the Board of Directors
  • Gian Luca Gregori - Chairman
  • Pietro Salini
  • Francesco Chiappetta
  • Davide Croff 
  • Moroello Diaz della Vittoria Pallavicini
  • Paola Fandella
  • Francesca Fonzi
  • Flavia Mazzarella
  • Michael Meghnagi
  • Francesco Renato Mele
  • Teresa Naddeo
  • Alessandro Salini
  • Serena Torielli
  • Michele Valensise
  • Laura Zanetti
Statutory Auditors

•    Giovanni Maria Garegnani - Chairman
•    Antonio Santi
•    Lucrezia Iuliano

Manager in charge of Financial Reporting

•    Massimo Ferrari

General Manager Corporate and Finance

•    Massimo Ferrari

General Manager Global Operations

•    Claudio Lautizi

Further Key Management Personnel
  • Gian Luca Grondona - Chief HR, Organization and Systems Officer
  • Massimo Pompei - Chief Financial Officer & Chief Risk Officer
  • Claudio Notarantonio – Chief Supply Chain Officer
  • Francesco Albieri - SEVP Internal Audit & Compliance
  • Michele Longo - Chief Bidding and Engineering Officer
  • Francesco Falco - SEVP Group Commercial
  • Nicola Meistro - SEVP Operations (Rail) Webuild Italia
  • Marco Assorati – SEVP Operations Oceania
  • Christian Fabio Capitanio – SEVP Operations Sub‐Saharan Africa
  • Pablo Sonnendrucker Martinez – SEVP Operations Europe, US and Canada
  • Vinicio Fasciani – SEVP General Counsel


As recommended by the Consob, transactions subject to the internal dealing rules and communicated by Webuild to the market are listed below.


Equity investments of members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors, General Managers and Key Management Personnel.

Internal dealing

Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
(*) Required information
Last update: May 24, 2024