
Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee

The Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee is responsible for supporting, through preliminary information gathering activities, the assessments and resolutions of the Board of Directors concerning the internal control and risk management system, and those regarding the approval of the periodic financial statements.

The Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee is currently comprised of six independent Directors with adequate expertise in accounting and finance.

  • Teresa Naddeo: Chairman
  • Paola Fandella: Independent Director
  • Gian Luca Gregori: Independent Director
  • Flavia Mazzarella: Independent Director
  • Moroello Diaz della Vittoria Pallavicini: Independent Director
  • Serena Torielli: Independent Director

Compensation and Nominating Committee

The Committee has the powers that the Corporate Governance Code for listed companies appoints to the Compensation and Nominating Committee.

The Compensation and Nominating Committee, is therefore responsible for supporting the Board of Directors through preliminary information gathering functions (of a promotional and consulting nature), in decisions and assessments concerning the dimensions and the composition of the Committee, and with regard to the remuneration policy for Directors and Managers with strategic responsibilities.

The Compensation and Nominating Committee is currently comprised of three independent Directors with adequate expertise in the areas of finance or compensation policies.

  • Laura Zanetti: Chairman
  • Moroello Diaz della Vittoria Pallavicini: Independent Director
  • Paola Fandella: Independent Director

Committee for Related - Party Transactions

The Committee has information gathering functions and is responsible for identifying and classifying Related Party Transactions, also checking if the transactions are of greater or minor importance.

The Committee for Related Party Transactions is responsible for carrying out the functions set by the Consob regulation and by the specific procedure drawn-up by Webuild for related related party transaction matters, particularly with regard to a motivated opinion on the single transactions that are important for said procedure.

To carry out the functions envisaged by the Consob Related Parties Regulation, the Board of Directors has set up a committee for Related - Party Transactions, composed of 3 members, as follows.

  • Francesco Umile Chiappetta: Chairman
  • Davide Croff: Independent Director
  • Itzik Michael Meghnagi: Independent Director


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Last update: May 29, 2024