
Webuild's Bylaws determine and define the Company's main characteristics, specifying its corporate purpose and the organizational and operating rules for correctly pursuing this purpose. The Bylaws also define the adopted management and control model, the basic rules for electing governance bodies, their composition and the allocation of powers among them and the relationships between them.

Supplementing the provisions of the relevant statutes, the Bylaws set forth in detail the criteria and modalities for identifying the parties that, at the highest level, participate, under various titles, in the Company's management and control. The Bylaws also describes the rights of the shareholders and modalities for the exercise of those rights.

Pursuant to current laws, the Bylaws may be amended by a resolution approved by the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting, except for cases of mere adjustments of the Bylaws to regulations, with regard to which the Board of Directors can do so through its own resolutions.

Read Webuild's Bylaws

Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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Last update: February 04, 2025