New Genoa Bridge at 360°:
the chronicle of a rebirth


Il ponte Genova San Giorgio: Genesi di una rinascita

On August 3, the Genoa San Giorgio Bridge is inaugurated, a construction done by Webuild and Fincantieri. It comes less than 12 months since the setting of the first pier to the rising of the last span.

330 italian companies and more than 1,000 people of 40 different trades that worked on the bridge … From this project, workers will remember with pride not the difficulties but the success in having done their job well on time and with the right costs, with the highest quality and safety.

In this video from the construction site to the bridge a 360 ° journey.

Immagine operaio ponte genova

Video Ponte 360: 6 puntata genesi
Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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