Genoa New Breakwater

The cellular caissons

Le fasi di costruzione dei cassoni della Nuova Diga Foranea di Genova

The Genoa New Breakwater off the port of Genoa is taking shape. In the maritime construction site of the PerGenova Breakwater consortium led by Webuild, at 25 metres' depth, the first of the over 90 caissons that will compose the first 4 km of the overall 6 km of the work was laid and works continue uninterrupted.

In this video we discover the how caissons are created. Creating a caisson is a complex procedure: a temporary metal structure that reproduces the internal structure of the caisson that will be built, is positioned on a floating structure, to proceed with a first jet of concrete. When the concrete has become solid, the formwork is raised a few metres to receive other concrete. And the process is repeated multiple times until the desired height is reached. 

Once it has been finalised, the caisson is taken to the established point where it will be placed. This is done with tugboats. Then it will be sunk under water by filling it with water and stone material. The caisson is then completed on site, by creating a superstructure and a safeguarding wall.

The construction phases of the caissons of the Genoa New Breakwater

Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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