Building tomorrow
Water is life

We can look beyond water, imagining all the forms it can take: clean and renewable energy, health and safety of communities, protection of biodiversity. The topic has its focus on pioneering innovation in the water segment and tells the stories of the projects, the talents that made them and the impact they have brought to the Planet, improving the living conditions of communities and individuals in every corner of the world: water is life.
"Water for Life" for Italy project
The Webuild Group, a global leader in infrastructure in sectors like water, has identified solutions to the Italy’s water crisis involving the construction of desalination plants that have already for decades been operating in many arid regions of the world.
A project that would contribute to a definitive solution to the severe water scarcity afflicting Italy in a structured – rather than episodic – manner, addressing the long cycle of global warming. It consists of concrete solutions to pursue in the short term with the construction of desalination plants that turn sea water into drinking water. The plants would meet the dramatic need for water in a stable and structured way, bringing Italy in line with the standard followed by countries that have already invested in desalination plants for the production of drinking water, often using Italian technology and know-how.
Infografica Progetti Acqua V02 ENG
"Water is Life"
Webuild's proposal that would contribute to a definitive solution to the severe water scarcity afflicting Italy
"Water for life" - Webuild
Solving the water issue
The Worth of Water - Webuild
Business areas
Grazie alla controllata Fisia Italimpianti, siamo partner strategico per clienti pubblici e privati in aree soggette a stress idrico come il Medio Oriente, dove realizziamo infrastrutture idriche fondamentali per milioni di persone.
Lavoriamo ogni giorno alla gestione sostenibile dell'acqua in tutta la filiera idrica attraverso infrastrutture, progetti e opere capaci di incrementare la disponibilità idrica anche dove le risorse naturali risultano insufficienti o inquinate.
The Worth of Water - Webuild
Webuild water experience
Jebel Ali M Desalination Plant, UAE - Webuild Project
Yacyretá Hydroelectric Project, Argentina-Paraguay - Webuild Project
Karahnjukar Hydroelectric Project, Iceland - Webuild Project
Sogamoso Hydroelectric Project, Colombia - Webuild Project
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dams and hydroeletric plants
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MW power generated, both completed and ongoing projects
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milion people served every day by our desalination plants