Webuild Hospitals
We have built more than 200 healthcare facilities worldwide

We imagine, design, build and operate infrastructure capable of providing patients with an environment that eases their stay.
The Webuild Group has designed and built about 200 healthcare facilities worldwide, including about 70 in Europe, 75 in the Middle East, 35 in the Americas, and 16 in Africa, Asia and Oceania.
The Webuild Group’s experience in constructing highly complex civil and industrial works has led to significant recognition for the design and construction solutions it has adopted for its innovative and iconic buildings around the world, which are often the result of collaboration with prestigious architectural firms. This commitment is also expressed in the construction of healthcare facilities and treatment centres.
In the healthcare/hospital sector, Webuild is committed to designing and building facilities with technologically advanced systems to maximise the efficiency and safety of the systems, while greatly reducing emissions and the use of fossil-fuel energy sources.
We suggest the best technical and technological solutions for constructing and managing traditional and state-of-the-art facilities. Our skills increase let us designs healthcare infrastructure that are closer to the needs of those who will have to use, operate and maintain the work.
Sustainable structures, often surrounding them with greenery to make hospital stays more comfortable, follow environmental criteria, such as energy efficiency and savings, a careful choice of materials, shapes and colours to improve indoor air and wellness quality and the study of noise, light and colours to create interiors reflecting the most modern structures.
Webuild’s expertise in pursuing and certifying its achievements with the main energy and wellness protocols (e.g. LEED, BREAM, GSAS), as well as its expertise in humanising places of care, is put at the service of the hospital sector..
Group skills and expertise
In recent years, the Group has built and managed some of the most innovative and cutting-edge centres of excellence in the healthcare sector in Italy and abroad, involving various professionals from the construction and healthcare sectors: designers, engineers, architects, bioengineers, doctors, and healthcare personnel.
This synergy often sees the Group’s construction capabilities supported by the visionary creativity of internationally renowned architects, as in the case of Argentinean Emilio Ambasz with the New Hospital in Venice-Mestre, Italy.
Technology and innovation applied to the healthcare sector
By applying the most innovative systems and models in the healthcare sector, Webuild proposes suitable solutions for state-of-the-art facilities that are able to support the gradual process of dematerialisation of clinical-diagnostic activities.
New digital technologies can support the care and treatment of patients. Webuild introduces these integrated technological innovations into its works.
Webuild designs and implements solutions to quickly convert existing spaces, resolving the lack of flexibility inherent in most of today’s healthcare facilities. The complexity of high-tech healthcare facilities has led Webuild to identify BIM, sensors and the Internet of Things (IoT) as essential means for designing of modern hospitals.
Our Projects
Discover Group’s hospitals and healthcare facilities
We are committed to designing and building healthcare facilities with technologically advanced systems to maximise efficiency and safety