Alberto Giovannini Prize: commitment, values and meritocracy in the future of young talents

Premio Alberto Giovannini: impegno, valori e meritocrazia nel futuro dei giovani talenti

MILAN, June 26, 2023 – Technical professional training plays a leading role in the development of the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan in Italy), and it spurs growth in production in Italy in an evolving global scenario. Such was the conclusion at “The Evolution of the Infrastructure Sector: Youth Training”, an event held by Webuild today in Milano at the Corriere della Sera newspaper with the participation of Italian Minister of Education and Merit Giuseppe Valditara, Webuild Chief Executive Pietro Salini and Webuild General Manager Massimo Ferrari.

Eight young students and a University lauded for best theses and research project with Alberto Giovannini Prize created by Webuild to promote innovation in infrastructure

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Alberto Giovannini Prize: commitment, values and meritocracy in the future of young talents
Information material - Bridge project over the Strait of Messina
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